Am I in denial?


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Hey guys,
I'm hoping that some of you can help me figure out if I'm really losing my hair and just in denial, or if I'm being paranoid....Here's my story:

A couple months ago I started seeing a bunch of hairs (maybe 10-15) on my pillow every morning, and when I would run my hand through my hair during the day, a hair or two would always fall out. Now it's five months later, and about 5 hairs come out when I run my hand through my hair. I also am pretty sure that the sides of my temples have receded, though my girlfriend swears that it isn't true.

So should I go see a doctor and get on treatment right away? Or could it just be related to stress (I've had a rough couple of months)?

Also, I'm wondering if it ever happens that guys recede a little bit, and then kind of keep at a status quo for a while...or does it just keep on getting worse and worse once it starts?

thanks to anyone who can help me out



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InDenial said:
I'm hoping that some of you can help me figure out if I'm really losing my hair
Got some pics? Those will help a lot.

A couple months ago I started seeing a bunch of hairs (maybe 10-15) on my pillow every morning
I might have said "in denial" before reading this, but that is the big telltale sign of hair loss. The thing is, hair loss takes a looooooong time to happen, so you can see gobs of it everywhere before your head actually starts to look different. People around you will not notice it for a looong time. The hair covered pillow thing is usually the big sign though, so I would say yes, its starting. Nothing to freak out about though. The treatments work. And you'll be getting going on it early enough that you will probably never go bald.

So should I go see a doctor and get on treatment right away?
Expect that the doctor will be clueless and tell you that you don't need it too. For some reason the general public hasn't figured out that the optimal time to treat hair loss, is before it gets bad. Not after. So walk into the doctors office and tell him you want a Propecia prescription and just leave it at that. No negotiating. If he asks why, tell him you've been losing hair like crazy and you want to get going before it progresses. Also get some Nizoral shampoo and use it once every 3 days. It will only help. Most importantly, take tons of clear well lit focused photos of your hair wet, dry, messy, and styled. You will need them in the coming years to keep your sanity.

Also, I'm wondering if it ever happens that guys recede a little bit, and then kind of keep at a status quo for a while...or does it just keep on getting worse and worse once it starts?
Totally depends on the person. But yes sometimes guys develop a mature hairline and it never gets worse than that. Usually we look at all the men in the family and do an average ... so check out your uncles and grandfathers and see whats up.


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Any side effects from Propecia?

Thanks so much for the suggestions and helpful advice. I had a feeling that doctors are clueless about this stuff, but it's good to hear it from someone with experience. I actually have an appointment next week, so I was hoping that before I go in there and demand any prescriptions, you could fill me in the various side effects or risks that come along with propecia...

ps. thanks so much for your help - i'm only 23 and i'm feeling kind of bad about this whole thing, so it makes it a lot easier to know that there's a whole bunch of people out there who have been dealing with it, and can help me get through it too.