almost 8 month update


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I am almost at the 8th month mark of using nizoral, tgel, and propecia and I am nervous my hair looks bad. My right temple is the same as it always has been. But my left is still receeding. And I think my hair is thinner up top then it has ever been. Is this normal or should I maybe think about adding minoxidil. I do not have that bad of frontal loss. It is only on my left temple. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.


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When your only problem is a (as in 1) receded temple....I think your doing just fine.

I know it sucks, but hey, be glad you aren't going through horseshoe loss or a bald spot on the back. Sounds like Propecia is working for you.


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Thanks for the reply Cassin. I think I will wait till the 1 year mark to change my regimen. But, I am worried about further recession and diffuse thinning. I just want to do as much as I can now with the smallest amount of change in my everyday life of course.