All Beware....


Senior Member
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Just got another call from Esther at Dr. Lewenbergs office, why don't they stop calling me???? I stopped using that silly product a month ago. If you ever think about trying this product be prepared to be harrassed by email and phone for months. They also try and scare you with statements like " you must stay on the formula or you will loose your hair" etc..

I will never pay for his sh*t again or fund his Chanukah spending or trips to Israel. It costs him $2 to make the sh*t and $50 to sell it, but if you order 10 bottles, you get one free what a deal.

He also gets the award for the cheesiest web site-if you are thinking about using this dont, you will have hair like hay, secondly if you still want to try it buy a generic form of 2% minoxidil and .0025% Tretinoin online.


Established Member
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Hey come on now.
They give free shipping if you buy 20 bottles or more.
What a deal :roll:


Senior Member
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20 bottles that is only $1000 so I think that is worth it- BTW if you put that much of his sh*t on your hair they would have to be careful smoking around you, your hair would be so dry.


Senior Member
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i don't get why people just don't buy generic. people buy sh*t that's more expensive just because of the's a waste of money