Ah The Double Standards - I Should Have Went To Hr


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This isnt about hairloss at all but a co worker. A black female co worker who has such a chip on her shoulder shes driven everyone in almost the building to insanity but they wont get rid of her because of the possible repercussions of getting rid of a black woman.
She suffers from lunatic liberalism, trump derangement and anti white sentiments. Its so bad even my other co worker, WHO IS A BLACK WOMAN, who Im tight with can not stand her. She honestly said to me "she makes us all look bad" (as in black women).

The other day she was passing around some flyers about new taxes coming, because apparently thats her civic duty or something, to all of us. I sit right near our printer so of course I was ripe to get whacked. She and I have had our disagreements in the past, especially during the election, but I never let her goad me and always tell her "so and so we can not have this discussion here at work" loud enough for everyone to hear so it scares her away. HOT DAMN THOUGH, this time she got me. I tried to ignore her and feed nothing but half answers but she just stayed there, like she had nothing else to do, yapping to me. I finally said "this is why Im leaving this state when I retire" and she started talking about how she would like to go to CA but that state is ruined. When I mentioned who runs that state she said "well its the companies coming in that are ruining it, those high end rental companies, sweeping in and renovating these old buildings they buy dirt cheap then jacking rent up too high for people to pay".

Now anyone who knows me, knows Im in rentals myself as well as my 9-5 job so that got me. I asked her (this was our back and forth)

"They are renovating these buildings?"


"People are renting these apartments after they renovate them?"


"okay then, so why if I put money into my rental would I not want to make that money back, ESPECIALLY if there ARE people willing to pay said rent?"

"well, the problem is these original people cant pay this rent anymore and have to move now"

"uh huh, but again if I bought a building and was willing to put my own money into it to better a neighborhood
why would I not make a premium on my investment?"

"well theyre also looking for particular people"

"like on race or gender?"

"no people who have high paying jobs and like 800 credit scores"

"oh so on top of wanting to make their money back with extra return they want people who can actually afford the rent and have less a chance of becoming a financial problem. Even I run credit and expect a decent score for my places, thats just common sense"

"well the issue is these people now have to move away from where they lived and or work"

"yes but that is sometimes life when you rent. If you own a house then that doesnt happen. If you can no longer afford the rent in your area then you may have to move out a bit to find something more affordable, these are the risks in renting over owning"

"its not always that easy, I lived in CA for 5 years and had to use public trans to get around. I needed to live where I worked to be able to use that"

"why didnt you own a car?"

"I couldnt afford one"


"Because I was going to school full time and working part time"

"Why only part time? I bought a couple beaters in my day for like 300$ just to get around. I put myself through school full time, worked full time and then usually even had another part time job. I did it all myself to"

her finishing response after becoming frustrated at my not giving in nor giving her my full attention


All I could say was "that has nothing to do with my particular circumstances and this conversation has just ended"

She knew she said something stupid and tried to then back it up with "well yes it does uh uhhhh" and I just repeated "this conversation has ended".

The best part was the other "white male" in the next area heard everything and when I checked with him, he looked so disgusted it was hilarious. I asked everyone in the dept if I should have went to HR but everyone said it wouldnt matter, even my buddy who is her boss. He told me at one point or another shes been to HR on near everyone in the building and everyone is sick of her but nothing happens to her because theyre afraid of her basically.

What would all of you have done. You can insult me on a lot of things and I brush them off but my work ethic and determination are things you should never try to attack me for. Dont make me seem like I just "got something because". The funny thing is the person who hired me here was a lesbian woman. My other two major starting jobs I was hired by black men. Im a firm believer in you can get something if you push for it and to tell me I got where I am because Im "a white male" was very irritating. In the end it really had zero context in our discussion because my last response that initiated it was me telling her how hard I worked, so seriously(!) when you you think about it she was basically just telling me "you worked extra hard because youre a white male!". I mean all she had to do was add the word "straight" with it and I would have been hit with the liberal trifecta attack, lol.


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Get rid of the idea that society is striving towards more fairness. Power structures are changing that's all.Sometimes we win sometimes we lose.