Age related receding


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I need t clasrify what age related receding means.

If u dont have have hair shedding in shower but just that some part of your hair in the front is gone with possible a male pattern baldness pattern?


Does it include some shedding but with a slight noticeable thinning

The 2nd one resembles my case....So i do not know if mine is Plain old male pattern baldness or age related receding/(shedding?)


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Nearly all men recede to a NW2 by their early 30's (if not earlier). This is called the "mature hairline". It is not physiologically distinguishable from male pattern baldness, rather it is one of the several forms of male pattern baldness. It is a very mild form which nearly everybody develops, regardless of whether they suffer any further hairloss or not. Also, it is quite possible to stabilise at any of the more advanced stages (NW3-6); it is not necessary that everyone with male pattern baldness will have to reach a NW7. In fact, those who reach NW7 are usually (but not always) the unlucky early, rapid balders. NW2 is certainly male pattern baldness, its just so common and so slight that its considered "normal" for mature adult males.


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ok my qustion to u is ...the everyday shedding in the it considered age related too? .....because i am pretty hair loss started straight after it could be age related?..somehow yr body thinks that after puberty this is the amnt of hair to shed for the rest of yr life? and maybe i mistook it for male pattern baldness?

my case looks like it is in a gray area no man's land....


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chewbaca said:
ok my qustion to u is ...the everyday shedding in the it considered age related too?

Come on Chewbaca, you should know the answer to this one man! Everyone sheds! Man, woman, boy, or girl! Any given time 10% - 15% of your hair is in telogen (resting) with the rest of it in anagen (growing). Genetic sensitivity to androgens, via predisposed genes, cause the anagen phase to shorten the telogen phase to increase and the ratio of hairs in telogen VS anagen to increase.

Things may stop there (more or less) or they may continue... Only time can tell you what is in store for you and nobody can predict where you're going to be in 3 months let alone 3 yrs. It doesnt matter how much hair your dad had, how much hair his dad had, or how much hair your mom's dad had. Everyone is different and some men can come from families with extensive baldness and never lose a hair their entire lives while other men can be decedents of Wookies themselves and be a rip NW7 before 30.