Advice needed from veterans


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Its time for me to make the decision to pop a 5th of proscar or not

male pattern baldness in my genetics is:

Both grandfathers can be considered bald. My uncle on my mothers side is very very diffuse. My dad has remained an NW2.5 since graduating college. Uncles on my fathers side have thick hair, but genes may have been passed down to me from my grandfather on that side.

My position is, I have noticed that my hair has definately been harder to style since back when I was 17-18. The thickness/density is obviously not as thick as it used to be. Nonetheless, it is definately not something I can complain about. Even though I can't complain about the loss in density, I dont know whether to attribute this to male pattern baldness or aging. I have had some recesion at the hairline but no other loss besides this. I could probably be classified as a NW1.5-2.

My dilemma is that I don't know if my recession is going to stop during these years, similar to my father, or keep going.

Something that would really help me decide is the issue above about loss in density/thickness. Is this something that can naturally occur to people who arent prone to male pattern baldness or is it something specific to the condition? (particularly inbetween the ages of 17-22)



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If the density on top (or more specifically, the diameter of the individual hairs) is noticably less then that on the sides, then odds are youre a diffuse male pattern baldness'er, like your uncle.

As for genetics, unless there is no history of any baldness on either side (and how often does that happen) you are at risk of male pattern baldness.

It is common for young men to receed a little and develop a 'mature hairline', and then stop losing hair. However I have not heard of this happening in a diffuse pattern.

If you determine that the follicles on top are shrinking, and you want to keep the hair you have, get on the finasteride, and count yourself lucky for catching it early.


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thanks flux

thats all i needed to know (being a bit thinner on top than prior and just receded)