aderans research


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this looks better than intercytex, check this website out "" (replies are welcome)


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Damn, this is a good website, thanks. If it has been out for a while, I haven't seen it. Just good to know that multiple groups are working toward the same goal, so to speak.

The only think I would like to see is the very thing that I pay attention to on the Intercytex website, which is a pipeline webpage. I read the thread today that mentioned aderans was recruiting for their Phase I clinical trials, so they are sort of just getting started. But hopefully they will advance to Phase II trials as well.

On the other hand, don't judge a company by their website. Judge them by their product and progress. I can't wait to hear how ICX-TRC works next year.


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Aderans Research clinical trials in new york

Aderans research is doing a cell based hair restoration in new york city


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these guys are connected with bosley....Is bosley legit for some reason i didnt think so but i'm not sure..any comment on bosley???


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It's been said that they are no longer as illegit as they once were.

If that is so, my thoughts are that it's like anything else: when any technology is new, it isn't so hot at first, but it is rushed to the market to make money money money. They used to be infamous for the "hair plugs" that they sent their patients out to the world with, but I haven't seen anything close to plugs, well, ever, to be honest. So I'm guessing they cleaned up their act.

But maybe I'm wrong, maybe they are still shady. Who knows. Either way, if they come out with HM first, and it works, I don't think they will botch it up any more than any other company would or could.


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Aderan and Bosley

I hear a lot of negative things about Bosley on this site...
are they really that bad? If so, how can they stay in business for this long and have received all this funding to do HM?

In my opinion, we all on this site might have to provide some sort of support to Bosley and Aderan since they are at least trying to come up with HM. If we keep bashing them and turn others away from them,
they will lose money and thus won't be able to fund their HM projects...
that's the way I see it.

Yes, they have probably screw up a lot of people in the past but maybe are they improving...let's see if there are any positive experiences from Bosley's patient.


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Intercytex appear way ahead now if you check their web site 2008-9 should be here. Government pumped money in last month they are so confident.

Aderans don't appear to have updated there web site for a year.

Need more companies working on this.

The Skin Multiplication is already out there and working so cannot be too long before hair one is too.


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Nick4441 said:
Intercytex appear way ahead now if you check their web site 2008-9 should be here. Government pumped money in last month they are so confident.

Aderans don't appear to have updated there web site for a year.

Need more companies working on this.

The Skin Multiplication is already out there and working so cannot be too long before hair one is too.

You're right, there should be more competition on which company can restore your hair with this procedure.

I see Aderans coming out with it at 2010 if Intercytex releases in 2008 or 2009. One year within each other. I'm also looking forward like elguapo to this.

There is someone at in the HM forum named Debris who knows 2008 is not going to happen. Baccy, another member of it, is supposedly in the trial. It looks like a long time for Phase II, sh*t!

Does anyone know the FDA guidelines for procedures like this?


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It's funny that Bosley seems like a big player in Aderans. I thought they had an agreement with Intercytex to market HM in the US when it comes out. Maybe they're just trying to make sure they have the US market cornered.