actc24's story - (23yr old at a loss..)


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My name is Kelly and I'm suffering from hair loss, I have no Health Insurance and am just completely at a loss as to what to do about my hair loss.
I have been researching for some time and just stumbled onto this forum, and very happy to see that a place like this is here for those of us suffering from hair loss.
I will tell about my story.
I have never had what you can THICK hair, but it was thicker than it was now.
9Months ago My husband and I separated, One of the HARDEST things I have ever went through in my life and still continues to be a challenge for me. We were together 8years, and practically grew up together, This put me into CONSTANT stress & My hair loss started RIGHT before we split up. We were arguing, I was stressed and Have often wondered if this was the root cause. I also display many symptoms of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome as well as Thyroid problems, BOTH run on each side of my family.
Anyway, My hair itself is dry, I colored my hair for about 8-9years, and have been a year with NO dyeing & plan to not do so ever again. But my scalp is oily, the type of oily that if I go more than 8hours without washing my hair, my scalp/hair becomes Very oily! ugh.. I also have what feels like dandruff stuck to my scalp, but I don't ever have dandruff that falls on my clothes and there isn't any visible throughout my hair. I have hair thinning throughout my scalp, but on my crown "I believe this is what you would call the back/top of the head" has thinned out to the point of a bald spot & it is now VERY visible. The only way I have gotten through this, is just to style my hair as normal and NOT look at the back of my head & go on about my business...Use to this would work, but now Everyone has started staring and my boyfriend who knows I am having hair loss even stares. He's very understanding & we have talked about it, but it doesnt take away the helpless, embarrassed, depressed feeling that overwhelms you - I'm sure many of you know what I am talking about.

I'm about 15lbs over weight (I was about 50lbs over weight & have dropped quite a bit), My diet isn't Bad at all and I didn't do any crazy drastic things to lose weight just eat better and be more active, I do have a Mt Dew addiction but it comes and goes, I had my son when I was 20years old, I exercise regularly. Just to let you know some about my physical health. I use a hair straightener & blow dryer with care almost every day. I do not nor have never done any drugs of any kind and when I do drink its usually 1 margarita maybe every 6months. I also honestly think I lost LESS hair when I kept my hair up constantly then now where I have it down all the time.

Like stated before I have no health Insurance and am NOT sure what my options are, I have thought my first step should be have my thyroid tested as well as hormones and go from there. But, will a hospital even accept me? This is the only place I really have to go.

I'd appreciate your thoughts and any help you can give me, I'm completely at a loss here.
Just a last thought before I stop my rambling here, I have also wondered if since I quit my Hair dyeing if this has anything to do with it? I know when I dyed it, it pulled all the BUILD UP off my scalp and now that I don't anymore, Here I am with hair loss.

Thank you !


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I'm really sorry about your situation and I wish I could be more help...being from Canada I don't really know how much medical treatments cost for you there, or how that situation works. But i would definitely recommend going to some type of clinic as soon as possible, if only to ease your stress about more serious health concerns. Cause one thing that never helps hair is stress.

Anyways, I'm only 22 myself and don't have a lot of great advice but I felt I should reply, I hope you can see a doctor as soon as possible and get a professional opinion!

Good luck, anyways :)