About To Start minoxidil- Need Advice On Where To Apply It


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Hello everyone, I'm a 26 year old male and I started thinning out when I was 20/21. It started with my temples, but I didn't really care/worry about it. A couple of years ago I noticed my crown was thinning out. I still have hairs on my crown, but they are MUCH thinner than any other hairs on my head.

I've decided I need to do something, and rogaine it is. I'm not all that comfortable in taking finasteride, so this is what I'm left with. I plan on getting 5% foam and giving it a run, but here is where I need the advice.

Should I only be applying the rogaine to the crown of my head? This is the real problem area, and is what I am most concerned with attempting to treat. Or should I be applying to foam to my entire scalp? Or at the very least to the front of my scalp. The hair on the front of my head is a lot thicker than the crown, but I have noticed that it is also starting to thin (not nearly as bad though).

So should I stick with only applying the rogaine to the crown? This is the area that desperately needs some help. Perhaps I could start with the crown, and should the front continue to thin then I could apply it all over.

Or just go after the male pattern baldness right now, and apply the foam all over my head? I'm not on any DHT blockers other than nizoral.


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I would apply it everywhere you want to maintain/regrow hair.

You might not mind your temple recession now, but if your hairline has started to recede, the chances are it will continue. Eventually, it will very likely get to a point at which you are unhappy with how much it has receded. I would do what is in your power to stop this from happening.


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I would apply it everywhere you want to maintain/regrow hair.

You might not mind your temple recession now, but if your hairline has started to recede, the chances are it will continue. Eventually, it will very likely get to a point at which you are unhappy with how much it has receded. I would do what is in your power to stop this from happening.

Thanks for the quick reply, I am still holding out hope that I got my hair genes from my father. He has a bald spot in the same area that I am thinning, but (other than the temples) his hair hasn't really fallen out over the years, just on the crown. My grandfather on my mother's side was completely bald, but it is my understanding that he was completely bald at a young age. So, I may find myself somewhere in the middle.

I appreciate the help. Perhaps I'll cut my hair very short and decide what areas are in need.


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Thanks for the quick reply, I am still holding out hope that I got my hair genes from my father. He has a bald spot in the same area that I am thinning, but (other than the temples) his hair hasn't really fallen out over the years, just on the crown. My grandfather on my mother's side was completely bald, but it is my understanding that he was completely bald at a young age. So, I may find myself somewhere in the middle.

I appreciate the help. Perhaps I'll cut my hair very short and decide what areas are in need.
and add something more like "snake oil" to minoxidil: try Skin Biology Hair Signals cream/Galderma Qilib lotion + Solgar hair nails skin complex(MCM+copper+vitC)+polyvitamins+microelements+omega-3/6 capsules.
Minimize alcohol,smoke.