Abercrombie and Fitch


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Hey BaldStudent here. I haven't posted in a while since I have a really hectic schedule, but it is kind of bittersweet. I used to spend so much time on this site. Average about two hours a day worrying about my hair loss at a young age. Anyway, now I seldom visit or think about it. Propecia does work, so does hair transplanation. Also, I think working out and being satisfied helps out a lot as well.

Anyway, I went into the Abercrombie and Fitch store near campus about four days ago. The manager asked me if I wanted to be a model at one of their stores. I was like YES! It's not so much that I want the postion, but that it boosted my self esteem. I still see a hair here and there, but I no longer let it control my life, neither should anyone else.

Another funny story. I had to give Abercrombie and Fitch my Driver's License. It was taken on March 11, 2006. This was roughly 3 months after my transplant. I looked BALD as hell. It was embarrassing, but they only asked me for the numbers and no one saw the picture. It's funny that nearly a year ago I was crying over that horrid picture and now it makes me laugh.


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I haven't really thought about it. I try not to to be honest. I am confident that more advanced solutions are on their way. My main objective is to be optimistic, especially since if I had left my hair loss untreated I would have been bald at 21.


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Baldstudent, how much did 1100 graphs run you in Dollars? Did you do your temples?


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I was dumb and young. I actually went to Bosley. I remember being up late and night extrememly depressed. I saw the infomercial and I called. To answer your question 1169 grafts cost $7900. It was cool though because $7900 is the price for 900 grafts. I guess I had thick donor density and they cut out 269 extra ones by accident. So, it was about $6.75 per graft.

Oh yeah, I didn't touch my temples. I would like to, but I have to be realistic. I am young and I had aggressive hair loss. I am saying had because Propecia is WORKING. I think it is a waste to spend grafts on temples especially at a young age. You just can't predict the future of your hair loss. I think it is better to spend grafts filling in the rest of your head.


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It's cool I have gone in with Bosley for a consult. But I guess for that top dollar I would go with somebody else now that I know better.