A funny little story...

The Gardener

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I was doing some cleaning up around my home and some of my old neighbors stopped by unexpectedly. We chatted a bit on the patio, and my ex-neighbor's girlfriend asked if she could use my bathroom.

I told her, sure, of course... she went in and did her thing and then came back out. We said our goodbyes and they went on their way.

Well, I come back into the house and suddenly remembered that I had died my hair that morning, and the empty hair dye package was sitting on my bathroom counter! I walked into my bathroom and not only was the "Just for Men" box sitting out in the open, but so was a vial of minoxidil!


I had totally forgotten about it, when you live alone I often forget to put stuff like that away. Anyways, my bathroom looked like a total male vanity laboratory!.. pretty funny. I actually didn't care all that much, these folks are good friends of mine and probably got a laugh out of it behind my back.

Well, next time I talked to my friend, he told me that his gf saw the minoxidil and he admitted to me that he uses it too! Hilarious.


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Thats a funny one Gardener.. I would have been freaking out if I were in yours shoes in that situation.. it is cool that you handled it well.

Maybe more people use this stuff than we think.


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yep, damn roommate directed her hottest friend into my bathroom (it's the one adjoining the living area). And, sure as sh*t, I had left a can of Rogaine foam right out there by the sink.

The Gardener

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I'm sure that many of us have had moments like that... :lol:

What can you do? Might as well just laugh about it... as much as it may seem embarassing, after I realized my little "error", I had this feeling like I shouldn't sweat it. I mean, so what?... I use rogaine... I'm sure that most all people have their own little secret pecadillos they would prefer others not see. I figured I could either have a neurosis over it, or I could just laugh at life and see the humor in it... joke was on me this time... :lol:

badasshairday III

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G, are you a foam guy or a liquid minoxidil guy?

The foam is nice because they look just like mini cans of mousse because the label is easy to peel off.

The Gardener

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I'm a liquid guy.

I am trying to follow up on one of Tynan's ideas to come up with a camouflaging "wrapper" to put on my minoxidil bottle. Here is where I am with it so far, it still needs some work....

hoping to print this out on some glossy label paper and affix over the current labelling on my minoxidil...


badasshairday III

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The Gardener said:
I'm a liquid guy.

I am trying to follow up on one of Tynan's ideas to come up with a camouflaging "wrapper" to put on my minoxidil bottle. Here is where I am with it so far, it still needs some work....

hoping to print this out on some glossy label paper and affix over the current labelling on my minoxidil...


Haha! That would work!

Have you tried the foam? Why have you decided to stick with the liquid?


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good one. brightened up my morning a little :)


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The Gardener said:
I'm sure that many of us have had moments like that... :lol:

What can you do? Might as well just laugh about it... as much as it may seem embarassing, after I realized my little "error", I had this feeling like I shouldn't sweat it. I mean, so what?... I use rogaine... I'm sure that most all people have their own little secret pecadillos they would prefer others not see. I figured I could either have a neurosis over it, or I could just laugh at life and see the humor in it... joke was on me this time... :lol:

Yes next time you're round their house you'll have to go looking through the medicine cabinet or just just go looking for her vibrator.


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The Gardener said:
Well, I come back into the house and suddenly remembered that I had died my hair that morning, and the empty hair dye package was sitting on my bathroom counter! I walked into my bathroom and not only was the "Just for Men" box sitting out in the open, but so was a vial of minoxidil!

Which one sums up the moment best?

This :freaked: or :oops:

The Gardener

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Hehe... really good question.....

I suppose I had a momentary period of embarassment slash worry... but for some reason, and perhaps the fact that I know this friend and his girlfriend very well, that worry was quickly overcome with the thought that it is good and actually feels healthy to be able to admit and share one's personal insecurities with others that you trust. I knew instinctively that these two would not make a big deal about this, and they know me pretty well. I guess I thought it only fair and natural for them to learn, however accidental, that I am only human too... and that I was comfortable with them knowing this.

You know, sometimes when you admit your own weaknesses to others, they feel liberated to admit the same to you.

The Gardener

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badasshairday III said:
Have you tried the foam? Why have you decided to stick with the liquid?
I have tried the foam. I prefer the liquid because my hairstyle is usually a dry look (I don't usually use mousse or gel), and because I don't apply or need minoxidil all over my entire head. I just use it on my affected area, which is the front quadrant of my head. I don't have any vertex thinning or diffusing on the back 3/4s of my head, I just have receeding temples.

With the liquid, I can just hit that front part of the head.

badasshairday III

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The Gardener said:
[quote="badasshairday III":10710]Have you tried the foam? Why have you decided to stick with the liquid?
I have tried the foam. I prefer the liquid because my hairstyle is usually a dry look (I don't usually use mousse or gel), and because I don't apply or need minoxidil all over my entire head. I just use it on my affected area, which is the front quadrant of my head. I don't have any vertex thinning or diffusing on the back 3/4s of my head, I just have receeding temples.

With the liquid, I can just hit that front part of the head.[/quote:10710]

I am temples only too, but for me the foam is better. Or at least I think it is. I'm just finishing up my first bottle of the stuff.