A few things I have noticed since starting finasteride


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So, I have been on finasteride for 5 months or so and I have noticed a few things.

First, my hair seems to come out when ever lightly pulled. It seems as if any amount of force will cause hair to come out. The fallen out hairs seem to always have that white club at the end. Maybe I am just imagining it.

Also, the hair in my most male pattern baldness affected area seems to curl and twist. Some sort of look like pubic hair.

Another thing I have noticed is that Nizoral now makes my hair smell. It never did before, but days that I shampoo with Nizoral I can smell a odd odor coming from my hair.

Anyone have any comments/insights?


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i noticed the exact same things when i was around 5 months on finasteride as well. Especially the curly thing. The entire top of my head is much curlier then it was before i started finasteride. Now going on 8 months and it not any better. Im pretty sure finasteride just made it worse for me.