A few questions for the veteran hairloss members


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Hairloss or regrowth?

Hey everyone thank you for popping in to answers a few of my questions. I am new to the hairloss gig and I've got a few questions for those of you who have been around the block.

My hair has been thinning for about a year now. It started on the left temple and moved to the top left side of my head. I've been using a laser comb for three months, with minoxidil and head massages everyday for the last month. I'm seeing all kinds of regrow. And not just peach fuzz. Full colored hair that looks healthy. Some of the hair folicals that have regrow have two hairs growing out of them but my hair is still thinning. I'm getting regrow right up font but just behind that it's thinning out. The side of my temple where it started has shown significant regrowth yet it's still thinning in the area I mentioned above.

Is it normal for other areas to start to thin while areas that have already thinned regrow? Or am I just losing my hair slowly and the ones growing in are destined to fall out and never return?