A Case Study in Balding: Tennis pros Andre Agassi, Andy Roddick, and James Blake


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All are American tennis pros who went bald during their career. Important to note is that tennis a looks-centered sport. It's a mental sport, and so the camera is zoomed in on your face during those 30 seconds between points. All 3 of these guys had different reactions to their hair loss.

Agassi's was simple. I've read his autobiography. He spends an entire chapter telling about how his hair loss affected his life. He says that he lost the 1992 French Open because he was paranoid about moving quickly and risking losing his hair piece!!!! That's right: he lost a grand slam title because he was afraid of people seeing his baldness, which he'd eventually have to expose anyways.

Agassi wearing a hair piece:

Agassi after shaving his head and growing some facial hair:

The thing to take home from this is that everyone views Andre as a weak character. He would've been better off shaving his head when he first knew he was doomed (he said all the men in his family had gone bald, so he knew he was doomed).

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Now let's move on to Andy Roddick.

When he was a junior, he was a "pretty boy."

In his early 20's, his hair loss was obvious to anyone with a keen eye, but it was still not prominent.

But it was rapidly increasing! From 2004 until retirement in 2012, he wore a hat to cover it.


The big scare was in 2010 when he dived for a ball and his hat fell off.

From then on, everyone knew he was an insecure balding guy.

He's finally starting to embrace it.


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i think you're being too hard on these guys, berating them for their insecurity and all.

Does not displaying insecurity prevents the bald one from being seen as inferior? O__O

probably not.


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I cant see the last 5 atachs


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....not everyone is so quick to embrace thier insecurities with grace and all..it takes time and some will never be able to accept them because they are just too proud. Hair plays a big role in one's looks and even when I had a full head of hair, my looks and confidence were all dependent on how I styled my hair...So I don't blame them for trying hard to hide their insecurities, especially if it was hair loss... I am 100% with them..

uncomfortable man

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When our ego/personality is hoplessly tied in with our looks then it just makes it all the more difficult to adjust. In retrospect I realise that I was vain with hair. I still sometimes catch myself fantasizing how handsome I would look if I never went bald and how much better my life would be. But that is ego afterall.

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When our ego/personality is hoplessly tied in with our looks then it just makes it all the more difficult to adjust. In retrospect I realise that I was vain with hair. I still sometimes catch myself fantasizing how handsome I would look if I never went bald and how much better my life would be. But that is ego afterall.


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When our ego/personality is hoplessly tied in with our looks then it just makes it all the more difficult to adjust. In retrospect I realise that I was vain with hair. I still sometimes catch myself fantasizing how handsome I would look if I never went bald and how much better my life would be. But that is ego afterall.

Man, how true this is! Still to this day when I imagine myself walking into a room I imagine myself as having hair!! I don't even do this on purpose. I am contantly having to remind myself "no no, see yourself BALD, dummy" when I want to see myself honestly as I really am. Sure, sometimes I let myself fantasize, seeing myself with hair just for the fun of it. But when I need to seriously see myself doing something, like planning on a job interview or talking to a girl, it's still so freakin hard to see myself as being bald.