A Bit Confused is all


New Member
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Hey all,
Im a 19 y/o M with diffuse all over the scalp. Havent started finasteride yet, but do plan on if not enough min results after 6 months or so (about to be 5 WEEKS in, more shedding, seems as if hair has been looking better). Anyways I'm not sure if I'm experiencing hair loss due to genetics or other causes. Up until recently, I've been eating fast/processed food every single day since the first grade. Yes You heard that. I average out at least one fast food meal per day up until this point. I also have just finished up my first year of college and this is where i really noticed the thinning, although it had been pointed out to me earlier as well (junior year of HS). I just wanted to know if all of this processed food and lack of staying in shape has caused my hair to fall out. No, I'm not in denial, I'm more than willing to accept this is mother nature. If i didn't eat fast food/junk I would eat absolutely nothing lol. Anyone think they can possibly help me out with any suggestions? Thanks! Also, im on Min 5 and nizoral 1 so for whatever thats worth.


Experienced Member
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Its male pattern baldness.

Or you could just post a picture, so we get an actual idea.