7 month report


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I’ve been taking Avodart EOD for 7 months. About 2 weeks ago I noticed some new hair growing on my temples.
I’m growing hair the same way as I did with Propecia: On my left temple I’m growing small black hairs that later will grow larger, thicker and darker. On my right temple I’m growing larger pitch fuzz hair that becomes darker and thicker with time. In general my hair feels thicker all over the place.

I only used Propecia and Nizoral for one year before adding anything else.
But now, with the addition of minoxidil, Retin-A, copper peptides, etc. I feel that the new hairs are growing much faster.

As for sides, it’s been the same as with Propecia: None

I still get morning and evening woods every single day.

My acne is completely under control.

I feel stronger and more energized.

I’ll keep on taking it EOD with grapefruit juice until I stop growing, and then I’ll decide if I switch to a daily dose.

Private Ryan

Established Member
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wow!!! you are using alot of good stuffs... how much does it cost you per month? i give my respect to you for having the patient to apply so much stuffs... i myself is trying to cut down as much as possible.



And why does it not function by me? (10 Month dutasteride)

My Hair is thin over the full Head and looks bad

My Body fatter and fatter
No Sex drive

why why why?

I am a wrong Genotyp?
Proscar works for me better
I cannot understand that



Established Member
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Private Ryan wrote:
wow!!! you are using alot of good stuffs... how much does it cost you per month? i give my respect to you for having the patient to apply so much stuffs... i myself is trying to cut down as much as possible.
It’s not so expensive because the shampoos, copper peptides and Emu oil last for 6 months aprox.

I’m getting tired of applying and taking so much stuff. I want to finish my current supplies (in 4 months). My new regimen will be very simple:

Hair growth:
2-.Rogaine Foam
3-.Nano and Nizoral (or Revita shampoo)

General health:
2-.Fish Oil
3-.Evening Primrose Oil
4-.Green Tea

Timi wrote:
And why does it not function by me? (10 Month dutasteride)

My Hair is thin over the full Head and looks bad

My Body fatter and fatter
No Sex drive

why why why?

I am a wrong Genotyp?
Proscar works for me better
I cannot understand that
I’ve read some of your recent posts and I understand how frustrating it can be.

I remember trying many things 20 years ago that didn’t work (Helsinki Formula, Hair Farm, etc).
I got tired and gave up. That was a big mistake. I should’ve tried Rogaine and Propecia.

Try to hang in there until something works or something new comes along.




My Hair looks 10 Month Good
than suddenly downhill
the Hairs thin yellowish

or ist it Rogaine Foam?
i have beginning with this for 4Month
in the right and left corner little laid on

but all my Hairs suddenly thin can this make Rogaine???
Back of the head complete clearing
on the side over the ears
and the front
Itching on the full head

Is Rogaine bad for me?
This shedding ist to big is not normal

Sorry for my bad English i hope you can read this



New Member
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you are asking the same questions over and over again, here and in the german forum, do you think asking those questions over and over again will change anything on the outcome? not that I wouldn't be happy for you if you'll have more success with your regime but it starts to be really annyoing :(