4 Month Update With Pics!

Paul December

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I've been taking generic finasteride (no minoxidil) for 4 months now. I've included pics of two views: Top & Crown - Old on Left, New on Right
I think its working....opinions please! :?
I used flash in both pics, so it makes things look a bit worse in both pics (or at least I like to think so :lol: )
Some basic stats - 39yr old diffuse thinner



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Good to see someone getting regrowth without minoxidil. That's pretty impressive after only 4 months...especially for someone who's probably been thinning for a while. Good stuff!


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yes, that definitely looks better, congrats :)

good to see non-minoxidil regrowth, gives finasteride-only peeps like me some hope :)

Paul December

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I don't know if it makes a difference, but I've also been:
- Nizoral Shampoo 2-3x week
- finasteride before I go to sleep With 500mg Niacin, Multi-Vitamin, and Fish Oil
I take the Niacin to control cholesterol, and you have to take it right before you go to sleep otherwise you feel the "flushing" (red face & body).
Since I take the finasteride at the same time, I would imagine the jump in blood-flow to the scalp would help...but thats just a guess.


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awesome results, congrats, yet another example of what really DOES work in fighting male pattern baldness


Hi Paul,

The Nizoral has also been making a difference. The hair counts have increased when they studied its effects on hairloss and it had the effect that 2% minoxidil would.

It does appear like you've had some thickening, the scalp doesn't appear to show as much so maybe you're getting some more vellous covering those areas? Was your hair the same length and the same lighting in both of those pictures? That can have an effect on the visual appearance as well, in addition to the way the hair is combed/styled. The part looks to be slightly shifted on the top right pic and I'm not sure what you did differently on the bottom two.

Have you considered adding in Spectral DNC?

Paul December

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FairTaxNow said:
Hi Paul,

The Nizoral has also been making a difference. The hair counts have increased when they studied its effects on hairloss and it had the effect that 2% minoxidil would.

It does appear like you've had some thickening, the scalp doesn't appear to show as much so maybe you're getting some more vellous covering those areas? Was your hair the same length and the same lighting in both of those pictures? That can have an effect on the visual appearance as well, in addition to the way the hair is combed/styled. The part looks to be slightly shifted on the top right pic and I'm not sure what you did differently on the bottom two.

Have you considered adding in Spectral DNC?

Same camera & same lighting, and both shots right after a hair-cut.
I know what you mean my the part...but the thing that makes me happy is that there IS a part. In the "before" pic, my hair had gotten so thin, it didn't part...it just spread-out.
I'll have to look up what Spectral DNC is...when I started I wanted to choose a method which took the least amount of effort (popping a pill)


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yeah those are great comparison pics, hair definately looks better. keep it up man, and us updated.

Paul December

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dietcola said:
yeah those are great comparison pics, hair definately looks better. keep it up man, and us updated.
Thanks, Will do! I'll try to take pics every 2-3months ...if I look too often I swear I just lose hairs from worry! :freaked:


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There definately appears to be an improvement but the hair is longer and has been styled differently so it's tough to see how much difference there is, good luck over the next few months, look forward to seeing your next photo.


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Great results cognates...do you buy your finasteride online or you get a prescription for it ??

Paul December

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mu0325 said:
Great results cognates...do you buy your finasteride online or you get a prescription for it ??
Thanks! I buy Fincar from United Pharmacies ...ridiculously cheap after 1st buying 1 month's supply of Propecia for $70 :freaked2:
I use 1% Nizrol from local over the counter... 2% felt too strong for me.