.25mg EOD pointless?


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Timi said:

not too good at german, Timi. Can you give me a quick summary, bitte?



look the Grafic

0,05mg finasteride is nearly so good as 1mg finasteride



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id like to try the alcohol dissolving soon but i decided to just cut up my .25 pieces into little .125 pieces with an exacto knife, came out pretty even so we'll see how it works out with .125 a day, so far its good


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nohawk said:
id like to try the alcohol dissolving soon but i decided to just cut up my .25 pieces into little .125 pieces with an exacto knife, came out pretty even so we'll see how it works out with .125 a day, so far its good

and by the way... i think its hilarious and can't believe i'm taking 1/8th of the prescribed dosage... stupid sides and stupid drug, i want hair cloning.


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I used 1mg/day for about three years. Then I started getting sides.
So I went from 1mg EOD to .5mg day, and now I take .5 EOD. Still mantaining.


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I am taking 0.25mg EOD and I believe it is working quite well.I have even regained quite a bit at the front which I couldn't gain when on MIN alone.The sides were very mild but now I dont have any of the sides.


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I have been on this exact dose for four months.I am currently on it for the fifth month and so far it has only done positive things for my hair.


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Thats awesome! So let me get the story straight.. you had sides with .25 every day so now you are on .25 EOD and are doing fine. No low libido? What else is in your regimen and how long have you been using these other medications if you are? THANKS you gave me hope!!!


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I had sides with the 1mg dosage and decided to go on a milder dosage and it never really gave me any problems.Apart from that I have been on Rogaine foam for 9 months and it just helped me thicken some hairs along the hairline and grow some peachfuzz.Since I added finasteride,I have been getting more regrowth and my hair is beginning to look good after a long a time [nearly 4 years].I also use Nizoral 2% twice a week but I dont really think it has helped me that much.


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Thanks for all of your information. It has really helped me out. I am going to stick with my topical spironolactone (been on it for 2 months) and add .25 of finasteride EOD. Im going to try this for six months then see where I am at then probably try a form of rogaine again and see if i can get around the headaches it would give me sometimes.


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You're welcome.This is probably the lowest possible dosage that can be effective without causing much harm incase the higher dosages dont agree with your body.


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I am hoping I do not experience any sides when i start. they usually hit me about the middle of the third week. If I do well on this dosage after two months I may try to increase to .25 daily.