23 Male Norwood 3 Receeding Since 15 Years Old.


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So this is the first time I'm posting something like this. And pardon me my english beforehand. So it all started when i was 15-16 years old. I noticed receeding hairline in the temples, but it didnt bother me that much. I think even then i started covering bald spots with all the hair i have left. At the age of 18-19 i was already norwood 2 but was still looking hot. I tought it's gonna stay like this. But the hairline was still receeding. Now im 23 years old with the bald temples about norwood 3 and slowly, but surely thinning middle section of my head. I could deal with it for some time, but not anymore. But here is the thing. I started using Biotin 5000 a 1,5 month ago and regenepure dr shampoo a few weeks ago and i noticed the vellus hairs all over my temples and between hairs in the middle section. Some of them have been turned into normal hairs (12-15), but I'm not sure if this treatment is gonna stop hairloss. I have an appointment with a doctor in two weeks, to see if there is still a chance for me to go back to norwood 2.5 or even 2. Any ideas? I think i will jump on the minoxidil when i still have a chance. I will make another post with more detailed story and photos once i get back from work.