21. So Does This Look More Like Receding Or A Mature Hairline?


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I’m 21 as it says in the title. Super OCD about these things. I’m really looking to see where it looks like I am on the Norwood scale. My hairline has always been kind of high on the temples. No receding anywhere else.


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Looks quite normal. I'm 19yo and my hair is slowly going from the sides too.


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Always been like that? Thats called a head start. If you want a full head of skin, don't do anything and keep saying its just because your hairline has always been that way. You want to keep what you have- finasteride.


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Don't listen to these tools lol. Get diagnosed first by a competent dermatologist or hair transplant specialist. No reason to start finasteride if ur not even balding, and from ur photos its not that clear at all that u are.


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Your thinning and receding yes you can see a derm or go on keeps and take pictures and see what they say. They will definitely prescribe you finasteride which you should start unless you don't mind going bald. Mature hairlines aren't true.


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Hair looks good to me. Impossible to tell if you are receding or not. Often times, men recede extremely slowly over their life. In fact, this happens in the vast majority of men with 'good hair'. The dirty little secret is, that every single human being on planet has 'androgen alopecia', which is hairloss due to androgens, men, women alike. The confusing part is, the extent to which people are prone to this androgen sensitivity is so widely variable that some men die with what appears to be a full head of hair with a juvenile hairline and others stark bald with the horse shoe. The reality is, even in the best of cases, under a microscope, there will be some measurable signs of miniaturization due to androgens, even if the follicle itself never died.

So yeah, hairloss is not black and white, you don't just have it or not. You will be somewhere on the spectrum, even people with the very best heads of hair will likely visibly suffer from it to some extent as they get older, I am talking over 80% of men and a lot of women too. Looking at your pictures it is impossible to tell, but the actual shape of your hairline looks good, currently a Norwood 1 territory. If Ewan Mcgregor posted here at 18 people would tell him that he is going bald for sure and to get on finasteride asap. Look at him today, still producing very quality hair with a hairline that may have gone back a touch, but much the same. In fact, people told me the same when I posted here as a 19 year old, that I should jump on medication asap.

I watched my hairline like a hawk for years, I finally got to 27 and realized..okay yes, I wasn't imagining it... I can definitely say with certainty my hairline has receded, every so slightly, but yes it had. At that point I got on finasteride. I am now 1 week away from being 32. I made the decision a couple months ago to just ditch the finasteride because my hair for all intents and purposes is identical to how it was 5, even 8 years ago. Maybe I lose some more (likely), maybe I don't, but at least I know that very slow recession over a lifetime is a thing and actually applies to most men that the majority would deem as having no hairloss. Whether you are one of these people, it should become obvious in the next few years. Either you start experiencing tangible hairloss or you don't. So my advice is, wait it out, unless you see a dramatic uptake in recession or thinning, just play things cool and see where you sit. It is not worth spending your younger years stressing about this stuff. You have plenty of time. Let things play out.