20 years old concern about balding


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I am 20 years old and I first noticed my hair was thinning march 2020 as soon as the lockdown started. It has gotten a bit better from then, once I tried to care of my hair properly. I have had blood work get done and my testosterone thyroid and vitamin levels are all normal. The GP recommended I take biotin and use Rogaine after seeing the results of the blood test. I have been using biotin for a month and I know results aren't meant to come in that fast but I just wanted your guys opinion on what's happening because I have been in the dark for a year.


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my hair always feels really dry and brittle as well and my scalp feels itch often too.
Biotin won't do much unless you are in a state of malnutrition. My daily vitamin has 30 mcg which should be enough. Don't worry. All of us started out on biotin because that's all that cis-females know about because they put it in their shampoos and tout it in salons. It does a whole lot of nothing as do pretty much all non-HRT supplements. Minoxidil is great and that's the first step. I have been on it for 31 years or so without missing a day except here or there. Now I mostly use oral but I also use topical but oral works great. If minoxidil doesn't work for you then let me know and we can discuss other meds proven to work like reductase inhibitors.