2 years update and some questions...


Established Member
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Hi all

I haven't been around here for a long time, but I wanted to check in and give an update (and ask a few questions)

Short background, I started to lose my hair 2 and a half years ago (earlier than that of course but thats when I started to notice it). My hairloss was kind of diffuse in the front and I had a balding spot in the back. Just before I started treatments my hair was so bad I couldn't even style it, it just looked horrible. So I shaved my head with a trimmer, started Propecia and hoped for a miracle and sure enough, I noticed improvements within 3 months. I then added minoxidil at 8 months.

Now 2 years later ( I hope this doesn't jinx me) my hair is cosmetically fully recovered. Its probably thinner than when I was 14 but I have no problem styling my hair anyway I want. I tribute almost all of my improvements to Propecia, can't say I've seen minoxidil do anything, but its kind of hard to judge. minoxidil is cheap and I have no problem with itch or flaking so I'll continue with it.

I had pretty bad side effects from propecia the first couple of months, less sexdrive, less ejaculate (sorry but I have to mention it) and my body hair thinned out a lot (but thats a good side effect I think). Anyway, the side effects subsided with time and its all good now, perhaps my sex drive is still a little bit low.
Let me now if you want me to snap som pics of how my hair looks now. Ive posted my before pics here earlier, just do a search.

And now to my questions:

minoxidil is easy to apply when your hair is buzzed or really short but when its longer like now it takes for ever to dry.

How long after applying minoxidil do you think I should wait before I use hairproducts like gel or hairspray.

Have anyone used a blow dryer to dry the minoxidil faster? I know this is a big NO NO, but I wanna ask anyway.

Well thats it! Take care.


Senior Member
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Congrats man. :)

Can you post a before-after pic? (I know you have posted before but it would help)