19 Years Old And Hair Loss. Hair trasnplant possible?


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19 Years Old And Hair Loss. Hair transplant possible?

Hello I am 19 years old and I have noticed my hairline to be receding since I was about 16 but now it has gotten to the point where it is starting to affect me emotionally and socially mainly due to the early maturing of my hairline and thinning. The fact that my father has a better hairline at 45 doesn't help either.I have used Minoxidil and seemed to only make it worse, my doctor told me propecia is out of the question for me due to the effects and France doesn't supply it apparently. I take anti-DHT pills supplied by Norgil, hopefully they're doing something and if not it works as a placebo effect. I know at my young age a hair transplant is frowned upon but can it still be done? Finance is not an issue. An FUE Transplantation maybe? Any positive feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks


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Thank you for your response. Excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject but wouldn't it be possible to repeat the hair transplantation behind the "unnatural line" if it were to be? once the hair starts thinning more?


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You need to get on finasteride. Even if you have a transplant, you will still need to take finasteride or the non transplanted hairs will kepp falling out. Finasteride is legal in many European countries, maybe you could import it from a neighbouring country or buy online (from European suppliers).