19 years old and frustrated

Yawkey Way

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Hi Guys,

I've been following along on the site for a couple of weeks and wanted to tell my story. Frankly, I'm frustrated and a little confused.

In the spring (April/May) I began to notice hair loss. I have pretty thick, dark hair and I started to see individual hairs around my pillows, in the brim of white hats, etc. It seemed like the most noticeable area would be showering. To date, every shower I take results in multiple hairs showing up on my hands each time I shampoo/run my hands through my hair.

I also noticed thinning, especially at the crowns. When you look at my hairline you can see the hairs are much thinner at the base and it's receding at my temples. I know that's also known as a mature hairline. The hairs which fall out of my head seem to be significantly thinner at one end and often there's a yellowish little glob at the end, almost like a piece of dandruff or something comes out with the hair.

Recently, the hair in the back of my head seems to be thinning as well. I've noticed strands of hair everywhere, on my laptop, falling onto my shirts, the whole 9 yards. It seems like the left side of my hair and the back seems to be a problem, but the right side is thick and fairly normal. Hair2.jpgHair.jpgHair3.jpgHair1.jpg

I've also noticed an increase in anxiety and probably stress, something which I'm not sure is related to the hair loss or a result of the hair loss. I'm 19, not overly active, and lead a busy lifestyle. All I take right now is a Biotin and Multivitamin each morning. My father has a full head of hair, his father (for a man in his mid 70s) has most of his hair, and my uncle has a full head of hair. My mother's side, everyone is bald in the horseshoe pattern.

Does this sound like normal male pattern baldness? I've added a few pictures. As you can tell, my hair is still pretty thick. I'm frustrated and wondering if there seems like an underlying medical condition may be at play, or this is what the future will hold.



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My Regimen
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It's hard to tell at the front, maybe very early temporal recession. I wouldn't worry about that too much. At your crown/vertex it looks like you've lost a bit of hair, though I can't be sure, some people have a little bald spot at their vertex at the center of their hair whorl, it could be totally natural. I suspect it is male pattern baldness though.

Go to a hairloss specialist, get checked for miniaturisation. If they tell you it's male pattern baldness, get a perscription for proscar, a tablet cutter, and try it for a year. Either way, i don't think you'll need minoxidil.

Da Crow

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Compare your hair to when you were younger.

Most say the gene comes from the x chromosome meaning your mothers side, so in theory you have it, visually I think its very early.

Minoxidil and dht inhibiting shampoos could help along with topical oils, but get finasteride to target the source. Ignore the side effect repprts and start with .25mg which is what I did, I'm at week 3 so far which is early but no sexual/cognitive disruption. If anything, lowering a smaller percentage could be beneficial for some that have above necessary dht levels. Some experience increased estrogen, but I think I healthy diet as well as exercise should keep that balanced.