17a-estradiol side effects


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Awhile back, I posted about my experiences with Lipozyt-plus. A Lipoxidil.com brew of Zinc nanosomes, retin-A, and 17a-estradiol. It didn't agree with me at all. Crazy headaches, terrrible brain fog, metallic taste in the mouth.

I decided to give plain 17a-estradiol a chance in the form of Ell Crannel Alpha. It took much longer and the the side effects aren't as pronounced, but they're very much there.

I should mention here that I am more sensitive to hormonal stuff than most. I couldn't take Finasteride. Dutasteride gave me skull-melting headaches. Now this.

I will continue Eucapil/Fluridil in hope that it's actually doing something. I can safely say though that I have gotten no side effects from it.

Aside from that it looks like I'll be attempting some sort of non-hormonal approach.