15% minoxidil 5% azelaic acid, is this stuff legit?


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I've been taking propecia for about 3 years, it's pretty much stopped my hairloss at the crown, and slowed it down greatly on the temples. I've recently been looking at more re-growing possibilities, mainly due to the fact that I plan on moving to LA in the next 12 months and using my contacts to attempt to get into the acting business (and we all know that you need hair for that). I was able to catch the hairloss fairly early, and only have a small thin spot on the crown.

I'd read about Dr Lee's products, but (as you all know) his site is now down. I found this place that sells the same type of mixture, and it seems fairly professional
http://www.perfectimagesolutions.com/_c ... 20Products

Any thoughts on that, and the shampoo? I currently use Nioxin and Nizoral (as well as Propecia and Rogaine Foam). It's pretty close in price to Nizoral if you buy 3 or more bottles at the same time.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

(Edit: I know I have only a few posts, but I promise you that I'm not a shill for this company. All I'm interested in is keeping my hair :) )


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I don't know of any scientific evidence that topical azelaic acid does anything for male pattern baldness, so I personally wouldn't pay extra money just for those products. Standard 5% Rogaine costs a lot less.

Their description of the shampoo doesn't inspire me with much confidence.


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I've used MOPC labs 15% and 5% formulas before, but I quit because I was experiencing minoxidil side effects that I don't experience on foam. My hair did feel good after using their products though. I don't know if the azelaic acid really stops 90% of DHT like they advertise, though.