1 Month on Propecia and Rogaine. Hairline Regrowth already?


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I've been taking Propecia and Rogaine for exactly one month today and took a photo . There seems to be loads of tiny dark hairs sprouting around my hairline which I'm sure weren't there before. Is this regrowth already?


You can see them more clearly if you click on the photo and view the enlarged version.


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Possibly a few....but it could also be that those hairs had shed and were in their dormant phase and would have come out even if you hadn't started on finasteride/minoxidil.

However, they could also be growth. I wouldn't expect to see a whole lot in the first few months. I noticed a bit thicker crown after 4 months, and a noticeably better crown after about 13 months.

Don't get impatient if you don't see results right away :)


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The minoxidil might actually produce results that fast. I had a similar thing going on. But it takes ages in my case for them to turn terminal and I guess not all will. But consider this success!


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If you catch the hair loss early, it's possible to get immediate results.


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InconvenientTruth77 said:
Here's an updated photo. I'm coming up on 3 months:


As you can see, the area is really starting to fill in. Loads of little dark hairs are starting to sprout everywhere.

Very good.

That's about as far as I go. Little hairs regrew like that on my temples as well, but they have stayed like that for about 1 year and half now, that I know of, or maybe i'm wrong and they are getting thicker but I just can't tell. They don't get any thicker or any thinner. When I first saw them, I thought they would eventually turn in to thick hair. Maybe you'll have better luck.


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For the first time today I have seen results from Propecia and Regaine (UK version of Rogaine).

I went to a toilet in a pub earlier and the lights were really bright. I could see little hairs sprouting up on my hair line which weren't there before, like in your pictures. I've only been treating this for a month (well, I'm onto pill 4 on week 5 of Propecia... it comes in weekly blister packs).

I hope they develop into terminal hair!


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Yep, im 23 and started rogaine 4 months ago this year and I got regrowth started as early as afew weeks. Have new hairs on the hairline about 2 inches long now.

I did shed super quick to though when starting it so maybe my body has a fast response to it.


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Again, same here. I "shed" really quickly. It's all but stopped now. I know I was shedding because I could tug hairs gently and they would come out easily.

I guess if you catch it early enough the results are a lot better. I just wish I knew what to do when I realised I was thinning all those years ago (luckily I have been thinning extremely slowly).


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Trus me apply folligen cream and stick to its shed on the hairline, then watch how thicker they get.