Recent content by zeeicemachine

  1. Z

    castor oil increase hair loss? on naturally oily scalp

    So I noticed my hair thinning about two year ago, and two months ago I decided to cut my hair to semi long (it was very long before) and start using castor oil(if it doesnt do anything then oh well doesnt hurt right?) While wasn't necessarily expecting positive results from castor oil, I did...
  2. Z

    beginning advice needed minoxidil and long hair

    so I am 29 and over the past 2 years I have noticed my hair thinning, about 35% loss at my hair line. I know it is not a lot compared to some people but I would like to start early before things get real bad. I want to try minoxidil with ketoconazole but im afraid of the shedding. So if I start...