Recent content by wolfe

  1. W


    dude, im right there with you. I posted something like this about a week ago, got one response telling me that some of the hair came back. I'm hoping it does cause my hairline sucks right now, and it seemed fine like a month ago.
  2. W

    HairlossTalk's Story

    Can you elaborate a bit about what you meant by bad sheds up front. My hairline just got ridiculously thin in a matter of a couple weeks. I'm about 7 months on finasteride and im hoping its just a shed. But im very skeptical. How did your hair line look after the sheds and how long did it take to...
  3. W

    What I don't understand

    One theory is that people losing their hair have a shorter growth period. Shortening the growth period means it seems that you are losing more hair than average at any given time. So when finasteride is working the growth period should return to normal, thereby the appearance that you're losing less...
  4. W

    Why Dandruff and inflamation of the scalp occur ??

    From what I understand, no one is 100% sure how much of an effect the autoimmune response has on hair loss, or why some people get it and others don't . But from reading on this site, everyone stresses that in order to treat your hairloss, you have to treat the inflammation, which is likely an...
  5. W

    Another shedding question, concerning hairline

    This question is for those with receding/thinning hairlines and shedding. I'm at about the 6 month mark on finasteride, and up until this point I was fairly happy with the result. I've never noticed a crazy amount of hair falling out, and things have been looking ok. But literally in the span of a...
  6. W

    Itchy/Tingly scalp

    Thanks, but this isn't really what I was asking for, im really curious as to whether or not i should have any itching if proscar is working, i use nizoral and folligen as well. Im not looking for recommendations to stop the itching
  7. W

    Itchy/Tingly scalp

    Hey I've asked this before but I never got a good answer. I've been using proscar for about 6 months, with mediocre results (ie. my hair has gotten slightly worse, but only slightly). However i still seem to get that tingly/itchy feeling on my scalp every one and awhile (maybe once every...
  8. W

    Can Propecia vouched up for minoxidil?

    from what I've heard anything that minoxidil grows needs minoxidil to continue growing.
  9. W

    Attacking DHT from every angle (please evaluate my theory)

    I'm on Revivogen shampoo as my non-nizoral. I doubt that it really can "cleanse away DHT", I think getting rid of it is a little more complicated than that. You might want to purchase real Revivogen, which seems to be a popular topical treatment. My thought is that once you limit the serum...
  10. W

    my doctor's comment about Proscar and Propecia.

    Cmon blue, the idea of a homogeneous solution is that it is uniform throughout (thats like grade 10 science). If you sat there and mixed koolaid for long enough and properly there would be equal parts sugar, koolaid mix and waterin every ml. Mixing salt and sugar is what would be called a...
  11. W closed

    The first screen comes up but when you enter the site its pretty apparent its done
  12. W


    i use folligen as well. What I was more wondering is if the itching can be sort of a gauge of how the finasteride is working. It would seem that if DHT levels are low enough for healthy hair growth that your body would no longer be trying to reject it and therefore no itching. Just a thought
  13. W


    So I'm on the big 2/3 (1/4 Proscar and Nizoral) for about 2 months now. But I still seem to get the itches every once and awhile, does that mean DHT is still reaking havoc on my poor hair? I'd say I have to scratch once an hour or so. Thanks for any help
  14. W closed

    Thats a pain in the ***