Recent content by Walker11

  1. W

    20 year old starting to see signs of male pattern baldness

    Really? Hey Toms. Is there any research about it? My hairline looks very similar to my father's hariline at my age and i'm buying it.
  2. W

    My parents don't believe me

    I don't get it. 2 Blogs from my country are reporting about good results with a regime that doesn't include finasteride. Why do you treat finasteride as the only option? If you ask me, i will recommend you to use finasteride, even that i'm suffering from sexual side effects, but most of the people does not and it's...
  3. W

    Topical Antiandrogen recommendation

    Hi, Soon i will start to reduce the dose of finasteride since i'm haveing some bad side effects after about 4 months of use. I'm willing to start a topical Antiandrogen treatment becuase of it and i'm doing a research about it. I want to use RU but i want to be free of finasteride side before using it. What...
  4. W

    How you do check how many hairs do you loss per day?

    Hi, I have checked trough google but didn't really got a good answer how to home check how many hairs do i loss per day. Any good way to home test it? Thanks!
  5. W

    27, Early stage of hair lose - "The day after the finasteride"

    Thanks! I will think that i will keep the minoxi + nizoral and add antoher treatment and see what's going. If things will get worse becuase of the finasteride i will try to reduce dose or probably i will start using the RU.
  6. W

    27, Early stage of hair lose - "The day after the finasteride"

    Thanks mate, but i want to know if i need to add something after i stop to use finasteride. I'm really worried about it and i'm not sure that minoxidil and nizoral alone will do the work.
  7. W

    27, Early stage of hair lose - "The day after the finasteride"

    Hehe mate, maybe i'm crazy and suffers from OCD, but trust me, it is more than 5 hairs :)
  8. W

    27, Early stage of hair lose - "The day after the finasteride"

    Hi guys, My story starts last april. I noticed the my hair is a bit weird compare to the perfect hair line the i had. I thought that it may happend becuase of my hair cut and kind of a big forehead, but then after my hair got longer and i had an hair cut i felt the things weren't as it use to...