Recent content by Vitor Diniz

  1. V

    end of baldness.they figured it out all.

    But maybe with some strong repercussion all the world will see how much we need this cure, this can be good appeal. Is much more than a few millions.
  2. V

    7 years finasteride -Just added minoxidil and nizo

    Make DHT test and see if your levels are high. If is high you can try dutasteride once a week with finasteride.
  3. V

    In desperate need of analysis/feedback. New guy!! Help!

    You need to use minoxidil 2 times, to more effectiveness Your body must be as healthy as possible. Make some blood tests and find out if it is lacking nutrients in your body and work to put everything in the right levels. The follicles need nutrients to function, if your diet is too bad you...
  4. V

    finasteride since 03/13/13 - great success

    My problem is a strong Telogen Effluvium that i lost 40% density i think and lasted for 2 years due to a crash diet and traction alopecia due to sleep with headsets, i lost much more density on sides. :( finasteride is to prevent because i can't lost anymore hair, is hard to cover my sides. But i can see small hairs...
  5. V

    finasteride since 03/13/13 - great success

    finasteride Minoxidil Many Supplements Cetoconazol Low Level Laser Therapy :D
  6. V

    finasteride since 03/13/13 - great success

    History of my life. 3 weeks no shed, omg i'm so happy
  7. V

    9 Months on Propecia.. hair thinned out massively

    Stress can cause Telogen Effluvium, probably Minoxidil will help
  8. V

    Shedding after good recovery

    Stop using minoxidil leads to a shed sooner or later. You will probably recover if you continue daily routine again.
  9. V

    end of baldness.they figured it out all.

    that is why we need to move and do everything possible to advance this process fast.
  10. V

    How bad is it really?

    OMG, nice combover. OCD and Stress can accelerate hair loss. You'll need Minoxidil.
  11. V

    just approaching 3 months on big three + my highly controversial addition. thoughts?

    Masturbation, as well as strength exercises increases the level of testosterone. Then increases the level of DHT. But it's hard to know how much it affects your hair loss. Maybe if you make DHT and Testosterone tests and measure how these results are distorted with these practices, you will have...