Recent content by tuesday

  1. T

    Anyone given Astressin B a shot?

    The astressin experiment (another accidental hair growth moment, btw) was injected into the mice, not applied topically. So while topical application could work, no one knows if it will. Right now, without knowing that, the DS spooge could be the equivalent of duct taping a Snickers to your...
  2. T

    Optimal AHK-Cu Proportioning: Math Inside.

    Well, in the end, the doubled amodimethicone of a reduced tricomin makes the whole subject a non-starter for me. The other stuff was just to point out that the idea might not be as straightforward as accidentally leaving the cap off a bottle of Hendrick's overnight.
  3. T

    Optimal AHK-Cu Proportioning: Math Inside.

    Well, amodimethicone would also be twice the concentration. And since that is an issue (at least for me), I'm not sure if your plan would be feasible in all situations. Also, how long would it take to evaporate? We have pretty high humidity six months of the year (over 60% today), so I...
  4. T

    Optimal AHK-Cu Proportioning: Math Inside.

    TheLastHairbender: Your question, I think, is really addressing dosage per square cm. And to my mind, I've never understood how this is NOT part of the usual discussion. Just slapping some amount of fluid onto your skin seems incredibly random. I'm diffuse thinning (and bless my ancestors...