Recent content by ttallsu339

  1. T

    Loeral Mimics Hypoxia-> PGE2->stemcelProtection

    This sounds like big news. The ability to regrow hair dormant or not is pretty big. I read somewhere that it was 4 % regrowth. Doesn't sound too great , but still an improvement. Do you think the four percent is all you will get or will it improve four percent with every treatment. If so that...
  2. T

    Minoxidil side effect?

    I tried minoxidil at 18 and had no sides. I quit for about 7 years and i tried it again last year. Twice a day I tried it. I started to feel my heart beat hard so i quit. Well my hair has been getting worse so after a year of quitting last week i decided to try again. Last Thursday I started...
  3. T

    Treatment of male pattern baldness.... results from 1988!

    Thanks for your response. I tried doing the smallest amount of finasteride possible and still had sides. I am just real sensitive to that stuff. I tried both propecia and proscar starting at the lowest dose. I think I am screwed. I dont know if the natural treatments would work for me. Does anyone...
  4. T

    Treatment of male pattern baldness.... results from 1988!

    I just have been reading these forums and noticed yall seem to know what yall are talking about when it comes to Hair Loss. I am a diffuse thinner and have been shedding very rapidly over the past nine months. I am depressed about this stuff. I tried Rogain and Finasteride and they both gave...