Recent content by Tony_Ng

  1. Tony_Ng

    Hairmax Lasercomb Results

    I firstly used Propecia 1mg everyday plus Nirozal 2% twice a week and it was amazing, and then, after 6 months, I would like to see better result, and minoxidil 5% added. After 1 year with big 3, I am still happy but the result is not as good as I prefer, and it is the reason Hairmax laser comb...
  2. Tony_Ng

    Anyone tried ORAL minoxidil?

    Yes, I am. I was with Oral Minoxidil ( Loniten 5mg ) for a year. Please read ... highlight= My Dr's advice: Oral minoxidil is not as terribly as people described. If you're familiar with Oral Minoxidil, take it ( I actually has minimum side effect...
  3. Tony_Ng

    10 months of Proscar and minoxidil, extremely happy & worry

    I am newbie here and sorry if my case were explained. I've been on using proscar 1.25mg and oral minoxidil 5mg for 10 months. Except some traditional herbs, I never try any kind of hairloss medicine before. Differed from many cases read from this forum, things were immediately amazing to me...