Recent content by tobyfan

  1. T

    Rogaine and "good" hair

    u mean Minoxdil? Only 20 min? I found it was still on my scalp 2~3 hours later. What's wrong?
  2. T

    Will the treatment be better if I cut my hair shorter?

    Thanks. Another question is that how frequently I should wash my hair? I use Nizol 3 times a week, if I wash my hair every day, what kind of shampoo should I use on the rest days? H&S? I have much scurf and I heard H&S is efficient for removing it.
  3. T

    How about the healthy diet for hairloss treatment?

    Now, I am undertaking the Big3 regimen. But I do not know which kind of diet I should take. What kinds of food I should eat more, and waht kinds I should not? Any suggestion? Thanks. BTW, is regular physical excercise necessary? If so, how much should I do? At least sweating all over my...
  4. T

    question about revivogen

    I found that revivogen is another DHT inhibitor other than prepecia. But it is exteria used, not pills. So, is there anybody who use them both? Will it be better? I have used big 3 for 1 month, but the hair loss is the same crazy. In the production website, it says that the effect of...
  5. T

    Will the treatment be better if I cut my hair shorter?

    When I apply the minoxidil, much of it is on the hair. On ther other hand, some people tell me the longer hair is more vulnerable for losing. Shall I cut it very very short, so that the medicine could be absorbed by scalp better?
  6. T

    what's the difference between rogaine and generic minoxidil

    I found T-Gel in Wal-Mart, but it says that it is used once per 3 days, it does not looks like a general shampoo.
  7. T

    what's the difference between rogaine and generic minoxidil

    OK, thanks. I have bought nizoral. But what kind of shampoo is better for the days nizoral not used? nioxin? H&S? PANTENE?
  8. T

    what's the difference between rogaine and generic minoxidil

    I know that rogaine is a brand name of minoxidil. But there is much difference between the price of the two products. Does rogaine work more efficiently?