Recent content by time2die

  1. T

    Pretty sure I'm balding...very very slowly?

    I guess I'll go see a hair loss specialist when I have the money. I'd want medical confirmation of some sort before I take any pills, and I assume I'd need a prescription anyway. As for my father, I really cant say his exact hairline and how far back it was when he was my age. However, he had...
  2. T

    Pretty sure I'm balding...very very slowly?

    How do you know it will recede to a point? Do you know what to look at? Is it possible this is just a "mature" hairline, like I said? I only ask because my recession was definitely this far back about 5 years ago...I remember joking with my hairdresser that I was going bald at 21. The only thing...
  3. T

    Pretty sure I'm balding...very very slowly?

    I slicked back my hair with oil and it seems thinner than usual around the hairline, but I also noticed my hair is way way drier than usual and consequently thinner than it was only 6 months ago. male pattern baldness is supposedly genetic, so how much of a shot do I have of getting it from recessive genes? I'm...
  4. T

    Pretty sure I'm balding...very very slowly?

    Me neither, but to be honest I haven't paid much attention to guys' hairlines until now. For what it's worth, neither sides of my family have any history of male pattern baldness, though I'm only sure up to my grandparent's generation. None of my uncles or cousins suffer from baldness either. My father is in his...
  5. T

    Pretty sure I'm balding...very very slowly?

    I don't have money to start whatever finasteride is, if it goes it goes. I was just wondering if having a hairline that far back was a natural thing or if it meant I was losing my hair.
  6. T

    Pretty sure I'm balding...very very slowly?

    Here's the deal- I've had an M shaped hairline for as long as I can remember. Probably since puberty. My forehead is also abnormally mother had to have a C-section because my head was so big as a baby. I know these sound like typical excuses, but probably since age 20 or 21 I noticed...