Recent content by thisblowss

  1. T

    Supplements that help keep healthy hair?

    Ofcourse i'm aware non of these supplements would reverse male pattern baldness or anything of that sort. Do any of supplements help keeping the hair healthy atleast? Give any sort of imporvement whatsoever? I've heard flaxseed is good. I've also read omega 3 could help. Anyone thats actually tried anything that...
  2. T

    How do I quit finasteride? Cold turkey? Lower the dose? *help*

    I lowered the dose to 0.5 mg every other day for about 10 days, and took 0.25 mg once. Is it safe for me to stop using the drug? I've read that its better to lower the dose before quitting the drug, not sure why I had to do it so yeah. Any advice is much appreciated
  3. T

    Quit finasteride for a while? Need advice asap please

    So I started off on 1 mg of finasteride a day. The second I started seeing sides I cut down to 0.5 mg a day, and they got a bit better. I now do 0.5 mg every OTHER day for the past week and still see some sides. Its harder for me to get an erection, which is really frustrating me. Hair is doing REALLY...
  4. T

    My experience with finasteride. Feedback please

    Thanks man. I'll keep it in check, and i'll drop the finasteride if things get worse. Things should get back to normal if I do quit though right? Again, thanks for the reply :)
  5. T

    My experience with finasteride. Feedback please

    I've been on finasteride for 1 month today. 0.5 mg a day, and I can honestly say that my hair is doing much better than it was. I dont have any discomfort / an itchy scalp, my hair sheds less, and things are good with the hair. Side effect i'm seeing is that I have lost a bit of my sex drive. I can...
  6. T

    Quick advice needed

    I'm just curious. My finasteride has powder inside it. I've been using 0.5 mg for the past two days. I know its too early to say anything, i'm just curious because most guys on the forum have a different kind of finasteride or propecia. Is it safe to use the one i've got ? (powder inside) Advice is much...
  7. T

    Scared finasteride will do more harm than good. *advice please*

    Its not the sides i'm talking about. Alrite so my hair shedding / diffuse thinning started a few months after I stressed about my breakup with my x girflriend. Its been 8 months since then, I dont stress no more, and my hair just ISNT getting any better. I was told it could be Telogen Effluvium, but I dont see...
  8. T

    Someone please point me to the right direction (help)

    Makes sense. I'm going to try a 0.5 mg dose, hopefully it doesnt mess anything else up. Well my hairline i'd say hasnt receeding. Probably at a Norwood 1. My crown is def thinning, but I dont have a round bald spot yet. Hair all over the top of my head and the crown have thinned in general. I've...
  9. T

    Someone please point me to the right direction (help)

    Thanks for the fast reply man. 0.25 mg of finasteride huh? Would you say its doing alot of good? Alrite this is my only concern before getting on finasteride. I'm pretty sure my hormones are out of whack right now as it is. Im not 100% sure what I have is male pattern baldness. I've gotten my thyroids blood test and it came back...
  10. T

    Someone please point me to the right direction (help)

    Long time reader, and first time poster. Im 21 years old and i'm losing ground really fast. I believe Telogen Effluvium could have triggered my male pattern baldness. I'm not 100 % sure I was very stressed for a few months and things were bad and I started losing hair a while after that. A year later and my hair is now worse...