Recent content by TheHighGuy69

  1. T

    Dr Jeffrey Epstein

    My surgery is this Wednesday, and I have a pre-op with him tomorrow. So.... Bump...
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    Dr Jeffrey Epstein

    Hey everyone! First, thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll jump right in. I got a hair transplant last year that I was incredibly underwhelmed with the results of. I posted before, but here are the links...
  3. T

    Botched Transplant or expectations too high

    Dr. Jeffrey Epstein was just recommended to me on this forum and he seems to be local. I'm most likely going to go with him, but I'll still shop around.
  4. T

    Florida hair transplant surgeons

    Hey everyone! So I have to consult some hair transplant surgeons in the Miami area to see if they can salvage a botched transplant. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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    Botches transplant or expectations WAY too high?

    He did draw on my scalp, he just implied that it would be the same thickness as in the picture I sent him. Now, I realize he meant "over several surgeries," and maybe not even then. I literally sent him this series of pictures from my last post with pictures and he said he could do it. He...
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    Botched Transplant or expectations too high

    I'm calling three doctors tomorrow to set up appointment to have Dr. Nusbaum's work reviewed. Once they give me an evaluation of the work, I'm going to ask them if they can salvage this. My best plan would be to simply shave the hair behind the hairline and graft 1000 into the front of the...
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    Botches transplant or expectations WAY too high?

    I tried to wear hair for year. I honestly gave it my best shot, and spent hundreds of dollars every few months trying different systems from a variety of vendors. The result was always the same. If I expose the hairline, I expose the system. But the "shedding" problem you mentioned would be...
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    Botches transplant or expectations WAY too high?

    Well all I need is a wall of hair. it doesn't matter how "wide" the wall is. a hair "fence"? So then how many grafts for the hair fence?
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    Botches transplant or expectations WAY too high?

    Whats a forelock? Regardless, I've seen pictures of a procedure that was very similar and it turned out magnificent looking. Please observe the attached pictures. granted, his hairline is WAY less "wide" than what my doctor gave me. His is basically like a quarter inch wide, if that.
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    Botches transplant or expectations WAY too high?

    Can you perhaps clarify that statement? Does this mean that I will, ostensibly, never have enough grafts for what I'm trying to achieve? - - - Updated - - - First of all, thank you for that super handy calculator! So basically my doctor gave me areas 1, 2, and 3 when I really only needed 1...
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    Botches transplant or expectations WAY too high?

    But the question is, it it something to do with me (I'm just not a good candidate for hair transplant Surgery) or is it due to my doctor?
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    Botches transplant or expectations WAY too high?

    Hey everyone! First, thanks for taking the time to read this, I desperately need your advice on how to proceed. In August of 2014, or approximately 19 months ago, I had 1186 grafts transplanted to my front hairline via strip procedure in Miami with Dr. Nusbaum (
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    Botched Transplant or expectations too high

    I got a strip procedure done in August of 2014. It was for 1186 grafts, but I rounded up to 1200. It has been over a year and a half, or approximately 19 Months.
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    Botched Transplant or expectations too high

    That's what I thought, but just to be clear, I had ZERO hair in my hairline when we started. Would this still be considered botched at this point? (attached is a picture of me from the initial consultation and the graft area)
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    Botched Transplant or expectations too high

    Hey everyone! First, thanks for taking the time to read this, I desperately need advice on what to do. Last year, I had 1200 grafts to my front hairline with Dr. Nusbaum in Miami ( The idea was to combine the transplanted hairline with a hair system. But...