Recent content by that_dude

  1. T

    Canadians...where do you buy your generic finasteride?

    I ordered mine from I thought I got ripped though because it took close to two months to get here!! I emailed them and called them saying they never sent my order and they sent it again, so when I finally received my first, two weeks later I got the second one they...
  2. T

    Has anyone used this stuff from Genhair?

    Yeah anyone used this? I'm going to order some...
  3. T

    JASON natural THIN-to-THICK scalp Therapy?

    I bought them cuz everyone kept bigging them up... but didnt notice any results.. I use La Coupe thin-to-thick.. and the L'oreal thickening shampoo, both much better.. and cheaper
  4. T

    19 months finasteride...

    Hey Douggie.. man Im glad I found your post.. My situation is diffuse thinning like yours... have a few questions did you recede at the templtes initially? and if so did that get better with finasteride? I was on finasteride for about 6 months straight and hair just kept getting worse... there were times I...
  5. T

    Cure with Homeopathy!

    Homeopathy not HOMO-pathy, sha'mon Hey mkul822, This is my first post, have been creeping on this website for about a year and your post actually inspired me to register,lol.. I have heard good things about Homeopathy as well.. I have a few questions if you could help me out: 1. Will...