Recent content by TB

  1. T

    Seborreic dermatitis/ stop using Topicals?

    I cut back to alternating between 2.5% Nizoral and Nuetragena T-Gel and using 12.5% Xandrox cream on the hairline. The cream always caused some redness for the first 5 mins or so after application, but never the itchiness I felt on the rest of my scalp. And it lacks the Propylene Glycol of the...
  2. T

    New here, want to contribute, some comments please!

    Wow almost a month since I've even read one of my own threads...I'm really participating here like I'd like....but considering I don't do much of anything these days once a month might be good...depressed Anyway I wrote to Dr. Lee (as you can tell my my post I tend to go on and on...)...
  3. T

    Seborreic dermatitis/ stop using Topicals?

    I'm facing a similar problem with itching. My hairloss started with what I can only guess was a bad bout of Telogen Effluvium. I had terrible pains in my scalp and its felt dry and generally horrible ever since. A second shot (i gave up after 1 year) at Propeica/minoxidil seems to at least stopped the massive...
  4. T

    New here, want to contribute, some comments please!

    Just caught your reply while checking email before bed (yaawn). Thanks for the tips. Whatever is causing this I'll call it irritation i guess though it seems more like I've got the scalp of a 1000 year old mummy. (Scalp of The Mummy, one of the little known horror classics of the...
  5. T

    New here, want to contribute, some comments please!

    Hello everyone. I just registerd on the site, though I have read posts in the past here and on several other hairloss sites. I'd seriously like to contribute what I can to the forums as I appreciate the scientific comments of other members. I've got a biochem background, though up to...