Recent content by stoneecld

  1. stoneecld

    Nate's Story

    hey man yer not a damn loser, and a lot of us know how u feel---it WILL get better. You have a lot more inside of you than friggin hair--yer doin hte right thing taking clinically proven stuff. Thank god you started, itll get better and should protect you from worse.
  2. stoneecld

    The bottom line on hair loss

    wow BHD you have great results--yer hair looks great man--took yer slideshow there. God Bless you, what do u use bro? I think I heard u say minoxidil just once a night...etc
  3. stoneecld

    Revivogen - has any tried it?

    I spent about 20 bux on their thickening shampoo, and I was a bit unimpressed--everyone seems to rave about it...I must say the 4 dollar bottle of VIVE for men is 10 times better--and in my opinion the best thusfar, I use it with Nizoral just about every day.
  4. stoneecld

    Interesting Clinical Data...

    wow cool! That study does specify however use every other day--interesting.
  5. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    HAAHAHAH hacksaw it is! hopefully for top as well---for all of us god bless! Its only been a lil while, i will keep yall informed :D
  6. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    After thinkin long and hard and obsessively I decided to goforit xandrox15 2 a day, if godwilling things go well, I can always maintain with 5%----So far thank god all is well, even though its a pain in the ***(grease factor) can shampoo after an hour. Wish me well :freaked2:
  7. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    Thanx bro--that was funny as hell. Not bad as far as side effects go. I am very confused though..I have bought xandrox 15 and xandrox5----I dont know what to do. I have been takin the 15(started with once at night for a week) twice a day for maybe a week. I think I should maybe use 5once and...
  8. stoneecld

    minoxidil or Revivogen to MAINTAIN?

    xandrox IS better for maintenance because it contains azelaic acid which inhibits DHT up to 98% for 8-14 hrs(per Dr Lee) regular minoxidil/rogaine contains no anti DHT agent
  9. stoneecld

    Is Nizoral 1% good enough?

    Dr. Lee's site says that recent studies have shown that the 1% is just about as good as 2% for effect--difference in benefits is negligible. I use 1%, and I like it , I have been usin it daily and think I will continue(mixed with Vive)
  10. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    cool beans=) I am jus confused--wanna go all the way but, i dunno--jus startin
  11. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    yeah I wrote Dr Lee and he said that once a day may give good results but should really do twice to ensure--cause thats where data is. So I am thinkin once at night once mornin, or maybe once 5% and once 15%--cant decide--I wrote him again to ask LOL He must hate my guts for questions :hairy:
  12. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    help? anyone? (grasshoppers chirping) :P
  13. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    id like to go 15% but want info from someone who has more knowledge. Dr. lees website seems to advise 5% and 15% if anything. Can someone please help a newbie out. :freaked:
  14. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    so you apply it twice a day--or once with 2ml?
  15. stoneecld

    Xandrox 15% - The Gardener's Product Review

    tempting though, I bought some and I wanna go all the way kinda thing. I havent taken minoxidil in like 10 yrs when it came out. You know always seem to say more is Not better then it turns out to be better. Do you think it is a physiological danger ie rapid hrt beat er? I wonder if I should...