Recent content by selfaware

  1. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    ROFL... :) - - - Updated - - - tee hee... hey, this bit just caught my eye....not sure I've seen discussion of it... Our findings suggest that minoxidil and its derivatives may have a cytoprotective activity in vivo and that more potent second-generation hair growth-promoting drugs might be...
  2. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    Interesting indeed. Makes one wonder.... Just what does constitute 'wounding' ? For walk right into the corner of a table...owww!...f*ck!...and next day, you see a small but deep-red bruise on your leg. Is this a 'wound' ? Sure seems like it to me...even tho the skin was not...
  3. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    I'd posted a day or two ago that I'd read about emu-oil being best applied some hours after 'wounding'. I just happened across that study again, so I thought I'd post the original text.... "Promotion of second intention wound healing by emu oil lotion: comparative results with furasin...
  4. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    LOL :punk: ps; that's the abstract I saw also...the link you posted....
  5. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    Closet, last night I was looking at a video of a massager that someone posted about a day or two ago. I couldn't be -certain- from the video, but it sure looked like it rotated...i.e., it spun.....not just vibratory. I can't see how that'd be practical or desirable. I mean, it's gonna rip out...
  6. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    good find! Thanks for posting that link. While 'curcumin' is in the air here, I'll mention that I've got a paper somewhere on disk here that shows that the oral bioavailability of curcumin can be multiplied by 1200% simply by....boiling it. Yup! boil it for some number of minutes...
  7. S

    Detumescence Therapy of Human Scalp for Natural Hair Regrowth

    ohh...ha ha.....THAT's an interesting idea. Fits right in with the send-blood-to-head thing, which quite a few people swear by. Usually done by a "bend over stretch"...simply fold yourself over and hang head/shoulders loosely down by knees. This is actually a great general stretch, as well as...
  8. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    Thanks for that Shivers. Relating this back to someone's earlier question...."does DR really break up the 'bad' collagen?". A good question, since the % of skin-area actually impacted in a rolling session might be a pretty low%. And even a long rolling session which might get a decent % of...
  9. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    PR, interesting info about 4hr saturation on minoxidil...thanks for that. - The DNC-L product is 'somed' and they claim it's also a timed-release...over 12hrs, as I recall. - I tend to apply it 3 times a day anyway, not 2. Essentially, I'm trying to keep a continuous flow, so...keep working new...
  10. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    That might be the case odal, although I think they did quite a bit of in-vitro testing also. In other words, in a culture dish...nothing to do with least a few of the Retin family of compounds initiated tumors. I think for peels, it's not such an issue because it's done so seldom...
  11. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    Earlier in this thread, someone posted a link to this study... Wound healing process may increase risk of skin cancer For anyone doing DR who hasn't gotten to it, you might find it worth the reading. Here are a few quick excerpts. How they relate to what we're experimenting with...
  12. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    sigh... For virtually ALL systemic poisons, one of the primary symptoms is??....yeah, that's right..."hair loss". :) The pituitary controls hormones....hormones control bodily processes including hair-growth....poisoning, including especially mercury, f*cks up the pituitary. These are known...
  13. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    "Using wound-induced hair follicle neogenesis (WIHN) as a marker of skin regeneration, we hypothesized that PGD2 decreases follicle neogenesis. PGE2 and PGD2 were elevated early and late, respectively, during wound healing." ..."inhibition of PGD2 production or Gpr44 signaling will promote skin...
  14. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    well....3mm probably does constitute 'full thickness' Was reading a 'summation' about dermarolling that came up in a search hit last week, and in the flow of his thoughts, the man touched on an interesting thing that hadn't even occurred to me... The Hayflick Limit ! There's only a...
  15. S

    New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

    Cody, fwiw...When I first started minoxidil 4-5 wks ago, I was using the usual Kirkland 5%, which is plain vanilla minoxidil with all the usual alcohols etc., all through my hair....and the expensive Spectral DNC-L only on the two 'bald' recessions in front, and the still-has-hair area between them...