Recent content by sareloconor

  1. S

    Pre Mature Balding Vs Agreessive Balding

    hopefully there will be new research about this in the coming years to explain why blading apears at different ages to different people
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    A Link Between Back Pain And Baldness?

    Any trauma that your body goes through can have a effect of hair growth, if your back pain is properlly treated, the balding might reverse itself if this is the first time you have had issue with it, give it a few months.
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    Devices Vs Creams, What Is Better To Use?

    Hey guys, As there are too many options out there I was wondering what people prefer to use for their treatment regimen. As I have a hard time with the need for comitment
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    Only Turned 19 And Already A Norwood 3?

    AnxiousAndy hows the situation with others in your family? That could be a good way to check if it might be genetic
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    Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

    I might be a little late to the dicussion...but to me this "magical" lotion seems a little too good to be true, with no real evidence that results were not due to placebo effect.