Recent content by robmartin

  1. R

    gonna get some rogaine foam

    I'm with stampede. I was on the liqud for several months and it was giving me a very itchy scalp and severe dandruff-like residue. The liquid drys and creates a very greasy buildup on your scalp. Not to mention the complete pain of applying (it runs down your head and gets all over the place)...
  2. R

    Chancer: Age 31 - some progress after 3 months...

    Chancer, I notice you use Rogaine foam. I am currently using the generic liquid for about 3 months and its severly irritating my scalp and leaving me with tons of residue on my scalp. Does the foam do this to you? Any help from anyone else would be greatly appreciated too.
  3. R

    Quality genuine Propecia

    You can't buy generic propecia in the U.S. The only companies that manufacture it are abroad due to patent laws. You can, as many people on this board to, buy generic online from companies in India such as Cipla.
  4. R

    Need advice

    I've been on propecia and nizoral for 5 months now and minoxidil for one month. I had a massive shed on propecia from months 2-3 and now I'm shedding again. My hair is substantially thinner now than at the beginning of treatment. Has anyone had a similar experience? How long did it take for your...
  5. R

    Spending Too Much On Propecia

    Have you had success using finpecia?
  6. R

    rogaine at front - which applicator

    It all depends how long your hair is really. Mine is about an inch long and I find the dropper to be the cleanest and easiest. You can apply it right to the scalp and none gets on your hair. Some will run down your forehead but if you tilt your head back you can prevent that.
  7. R

    minoxidil Residue

    What is a good minoxidil to use if you don't want to get a lot of residue? I've used Kirkland and it makes my head look like it's snowing year round.
  8. R

    hair line still receding

    No doubt. Give it time. You will thicken up soon!
  9. R

    Rogaine foam - Not working for me.

    Definitely looks like it's working to me.
  10. R

    Nizoral Success?

    I don't know for sure, but I personally doubt it. I use it and I'm seeing results but I'm taking propecia as well. I suspect that's why I'm succeeding. I have yet to hear of anyone regrowing or even maintaining their hair with just Nizoral. I think if anything it might thicken the hairs and...
  11. R


    You're experiencing a shed. I went through the same thing so I know how traumatizing it is. Mine wasn't quite that bad - everyone varies, but you have to remember it's a good sign that the treatment's working. It will grow back I swear.
  12. R

    How long on average does it take a shed to grow back?

    Well, when your hair sheds it is being pushed out by a newer, stronger (hopefully) hair. Hair grows at about 1/2 inch per month so divide that by the length of your current hair and that's how many months it will take to grow back in. Theoretically anyway. :dunno:
  13. R

    22yr. On Propecia 10 days.. "If its sounds to good to be tru

    I personally would rather have my sexual function than hair. Fortunately I don't have to make that decision because I have absolutely no side effects after 4 months of use.
  14. R

    Is it true about the side effects from Propecia...

    My personal opinion is that a lot of it is mental. In the original trials the number was so low because no one taking the pills had any idea what the side effects were. Only 2% reported sexual side effects of some kind. Then after Merck announced possible sexual side effects all of a sudden...