Recent content by rigs03

  1. R

    28 y/o, time to face the facts!

    Thanks man, fingers crossed
  2. R

    28 y/o, time to face the facts!

    Well, all through my mid twenties I thought I might be keeping a full head of hair until I grow grey and old! The past year or so however, i started noticing a lot of shedding as I grew my hair out a little bit. It went away, or so I thought, and then came back full force. I started experiencing...
  3. R

    Starting Propecia and Nizoral... Wait to add minoxidil?

    Hey guys. 27 years old, and until now had a very slowly receding hairline, however recently have noticed rapid shedding. My hair is everywhere- the sink, the shower, on books i read, papers i work on, etc. If i rub my head over the sink it will basically fall out until i stop.. I mean to the...