Recent content by Ratha

  1. R

    Any success stories from advanced hair loss sufferers?

    That's interesting. Do you think min 10% is much more effective than the standard 5%? Do you contribute this to your success?
  2. R

    Any success stories from advanced hair loss sufferers?

    Hi All, I am in the desperate position where I have very aggressive hair loss and am bordering on NW5/6 at the tender age of 23. Partly my fault for not treating it properly/soon enough. Anyway now on the Big 3 and hoping for regrowth. Just wondering if there are any guys that have recovered...
  3. R

    My story, 23 yo, Advanced Hair Loss.

    I'm sticking to tried and tested treatments only.
  4. R

    My story, 23 yo, Advanced Hair Loss.

    That's good to hear. Diet and male pattern baldness don't have any correlation IMO. Poor diet could possible cause some degree of hair loss or poor quality hair. male pattern baldness is different and is down to genetics. I don't know too much about the science behind hair loss but that is my understanding. My diet is not...
  5. R

    My story, 23 yo, Advanced Hair Loss.

    Advanced, especially for my age. Aggressive hair loss meant that it happened pretty fast. I'd say within the last two years I have gone from NW3- NW6. Hair loss didn't bother that much at NW3 level but NW6 with horseshoe is difficult to deal with. I've just turned 23 in September. My mistake...
  6. R

    My story, 23 yo, Advanced Hair Loss.

    Thanks for your response guys. I've always thought diffuse thinners as guys that have thinning hairs amongst hairs which aren't affect by DHT. That's not the case for me. My entire crown is filled with miniaturised hairs (no dark hairs, just thin light coloured hair). I have some more darker...
  7. R

    My story, 23 yo, Advanced Hair Loss.

    Hey, I don't shave my head, I buzz it to #1. I first did this just over a year ago now. It was quite a liberating experience. I think I suit the buzz cut and it certainly help disguise hair loss. However no matter how short you go it's difficult to disguise the horseshoe. It is does knock your...
  8. R

    My story, 23 yo, Advanced Hair Loss.

    Hi All, I'm 23 and have been balding since 18. I wish I had come across this site years ago. Hopefully it's not too late. I'm now on the big 3.
  9. R

    Check my sad story..

    Similar case to myself. I'm also 23 with advanced hair loss (norwood 6) with very thin vertex. I have posted my story but doesn't seem to have been moderated yet (anyone know how long this process takes?). Actually quite a relief (sorry) to come across someone my own age with a balding vertex as...
  10. R

    23 yo, advanced hair loss. Lost cause?

    Hi All, I have been losing my hair since the age of 18. At first male pattern baldness manifested itself in the form of a receding hair line. Within the last 1 or 2 years I seem to have raced through the Norwood scale. All the hair on top of my head seems to now be affect my DHT and quickly miniaturising. I...