Recent content by PositiveThinking

  1. P

    Starting My Journey With Finasteride

    Quick update: I have now reached one month of taking finasteride. I still notice shedding after I shower, I believe that I may be losing around 150-200 hairs per day. This does not bother me too much since 80% of the hairs I see are really thin and I'm hoping to be able to regrow them as a...
  2. P

    Pleasureless Orgasm On Finasteride?

    Dude stop playing with the med, you need to make a decision. Taking the med will most likely decrease your orgasm sensation (as it did to me), it may or may not disappear if you keep taking it, nobody will be able to give you a definitive answer. In my case, I'm still taking it because it hasn't...
  3. P

    A Week In And A Couple Of Small Side Effects

    I'm on finasteride for almost a month, and I tell you this: you can expect to feel a bit different after a few days. First, because of the antecipation you create before starting the medication, that messes a bit with your head and you will easily link ANYTHING you feel to finasteride. Second...
  4. P

    Finasteride Lost Effectiveness After 1 Week - Hyperandrogenicity?

    I don't think I ever saw anything more stupid than this thread (including post and replies).
  5. P

    Starting My Journey With Finasteride

    Update I'm still shedding from finasteride, it is not yet very noticeable to other people but I do see hair falling after the bath or when I style it. I think is slowing down though, but I'm not too worried because I know it is part of the process. I have to be patient. Will upload new pictures...
  6. P

    Starting My Journey With Finasteride

    I use liquid Biorga brand, but I definitly think they're all the same. I just lift my hair with one hand, apply the minoxidil, and then rub it a little with one finger. I wait like 30 minutes before I style my hair, otherwise the minoxidil will just get glued to your hair. I've had a good...
  7. P

    Starting My Journey With Finasteride

    Hey guys, hope you are all doing fine. History I won't waste to much time on this. I'm 24 years old (almost 25), and started losing my hair roughly since I was 18. At 19 I already had visible hair loss in my temples, and at 21/22 I started thinning slowly in the crown. I have been on Minoxidil...