Recent content by Orin

  1. O

    ACELL Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this?

    Re: Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this? I think you misunderstand how it works. The hairs are plucked (just like you can do yourself, no open wound or anything) with as much epithelial tissue intact as possible. It looks like a transparent layer over the end of the hair. There's...
  2. O

    ACELL Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this?

    Re: Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this? Interesting. I didn't know it needed to be inserted into a pre-existing follicle. Seems like it immediately becomes a very time-consuming task. I'm guessing the current success-rate is a combination of percentage of intact epithelial tissue...
  3. O

    ACELL Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this?

    Re: Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this? I don't think it will, and even if it is, you can only patent the way you go about it, not the actual components. If I remember correctly, Acell is not a unique compound. Basically, if you find yourself blocked by some petty patent, you...
  4. O

    ACELL Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this?

    Re: Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this? I want to add that cost is a legitimate concern, and one that's important to raise. If this works as well as it seems to, we move away from worrying about wheter or not it's even possible to do something substantial about hairloss, and into...
  5. O

    ACELL Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this?

    Re: Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this? Has there been any information regarding the structure of the follicle in the biopsy? I'm specifically talking about the number of hairs. It's terrific that the transplanted hair is indistinguishable from other hair in term of quality, but...
  6. O

    Follica - Good News!

    Yes. For various reasons, I think a topical approach is the best regardless what you're actually using. It seems a little backwards taking them orally, where it not only goes around your entire system, but also might have its' effect negated when it's broken down. On the other hand, some...
  7. O

    Follica - Good News!

    The scarring is increased for people who smoke, or have lung-problems due to other disease. The risk is also increased if you've undergone chemo or other treatments. So it's most likely directly related to microscopic damage on the lungs. It makes sense though; gefitinib - among other things I...
  8. O

    Follica - Good News!

    There are still some more to research (or try). Someone on another forum is using Tannic Acid, which - according to him - does not inhibit WnT, but does inhibit EGFR. To what extent I do not know. Apparently it stains skin though, so that's unfortunate, allthough probably not permanently. If...
  9. O

    Follica - Good News!

    I regrew hair on my temple just fine. On both actually. They're most likely regrown hair, as opposed to completly new follicles though. On a separate note - has there been any talks about using curcumin extract? Seems it's what Iressa (gefitinib) was inspired by. It's possible it also inhibits...
  10. O

    Follica - Good News!

    I don't see the advantage over just using lithium, which is what is in garlic. My only reason for going the natural route, is because it's cheaper, and if as effective (doubtful) as synthetics, could be very financially beneficial and democratic in the sense that everyone can do it. Herbal...
  11. O

    Follica - Good News!

    Thanks for the links, moomin. I'm from Scandinavia, so if they ship to you, they should be able to ship to me :) As far as results and such (to whoever asked) - these things take time. Actually just following all this talk and first wave of experiments, you sorta get the sense of why research...
  12. O

    Follica - Good News!

    As a semi-side note; do any of you know a site where you can buy lithium chloride from? I only know of one, and it does not sell to anyone outside the US. It's seems a surprisingly hard chemical to get your hand on; unless you give in to shady-looking asian pages. I was thinking of trying it...
  13. O

    Follica - Good News!

    So would lidocaine be considered a synthetic EGFR-inhibitor? Great it if is, but I doubt it's very effective. People are bound to have been smearing that stuff on scrubs and open wounds before (it being used for pain-management). Seems like we should have heard about it growing hair by now...
  14. O

    Follica - Good News!

    Great work. Interesting to hear about that lidocaine. As far as I can tell, it's used for pain-relief. It would be a match made in heaven if it worked the way we wanted it. Great job, keep the investigation of things I cannot comprehend going. Anything new about tannic acid? That potato-thing...
  15. O

    Mastering dermabrasion

    I got some results with variations of dermabrasion. In fact, my best results came from a very light dermabrasion that created a light crust that fell off after 3 days or so. In a week it was completly healed, whereas the first dermabrasion took almost 2 months to completly fade. The difference...