Recent content by nybnr

  1. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    Ok, so I unfortunatley STILL have these sides (ED, and NO libido) I had them for a month...then for 2 WEEKS! I returned to, it's been 2 MONTHS and they are still here. Anyone else experience this?!?!?
  2. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    If all my tests came out within range then what the hell can it be??? it's been ove a month already and no sign of recovery! Anybody know which hormones are directly related to your libido or ED??? SHBG? T-Levels? Free T-Levels?
  3. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    Test Results - Please Help Help needed...experiencing sides (no libido, ED, brain fog). I was told I was in range for ALL of my results, yet sides persist. Are there no other options then waiting and praying at this point? Testosterone - 703 ng/dL Bioavailable Testosterone - 254 ng/dL...
  4. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    and if you don't mind me asking how do you know? personal experience? did this also happen to you? how did you handle it?
  5. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    That's what worries a few days it will have been a month since I've stopped and 6 weeks since I started. Everday that goes by that I'm not normal is that much more discouraging and makes me believe that if the drug was suppose to wear off in a day or two and now that it's been a month...
  6. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    With all do do you know...personal experience? how long? will it ever come back full force? and why/how did this happen after only 15 days?
  7. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    I was only on Propecia for 2 weeks, until I noticed sides (no libido, ED, brain fog). I've been off it for over 3 weeks now and they're still there. Will the sides ever go away? If so, when? How long?
  8. N

    how long till recovery?

    can these side effects de permenent?
  9. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    So, I've been dealing with these sides for over 3 weeks now. When should I start or expect to go back to normal? The waiting is driving me crazy! Is everyone sure these effects aren't permenent?
  10. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    Problem is I've been to both my primary doctor, a second opinon doctor, a Uriogist, and an Endocrinolgyst. All have said the same thing...quoting Merck studies. That is should have come back within a few days but to give it time. Problem's been over 3 weeks! Starting to go a lil crazy if...
  11. N

    Only 2 Weeks, even if I did quit too soon shouldn't I have gone back to normal by now? That's actually part of the reason I stopped. After experiencing the side effects I needed to know that if I discontinued use I would return back to normal. Then consider it again. BUT I HAVEN"T!
  12. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    not to sound like a broken record or damend answer, but how long? I mean at what point should I start to worry (not that I haven't already)? Also, is it idiotic to consider to start taking it again if and when I do get back to normal? Would my body have adapted to it the second time around...
  13. N

    how long till recovery?

    Long time does it take to recover? I took Propecia for 15 days...felt side effects (low/no libido, ED, brain fog) and stopped. It's been 3 weeks and the effects are still there. Also, If it takes your body time to adjust then would it be prudent to begin taking it again once the adjustment...
  14. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    I'm 100% sure it's related to this drug. Before I took it I NEVER had a problem.
  15. N

    Only 2 Weeks

    How long does it normally take tho? I freakin going crazy here. The first couple of days I could handle, but now it's been over 3 weeks!