Recent content by NotMYChairNotMyProblem

  1. NotMYChairNotMyProblem

    What’s the best way to use a Dermapen?

    your hair got worse omg. what setting did you use?
  2. NotMYChairNotMyProblem

    What’s the best way to use a Dermapen?

    i just bought a Dr. Pen A6 12 pin. i’m nervous to start lol. i plan to use it on the entire top of my scalp i have thinning all over. i just wanted to see if anyone uses one of these and what’s your regime? (how deep, how long do you stay in one spot, do you stamp it or glide it? wet hair or...
  3. NotMYChairNotMyProblem

    What is the best microneedling derma-pen and which settings do you use?

    does it hurt? Im torn between the A6 12 needles and the M8 with 16 needles lol
  4. NotMYChairNotMyProblem

    What is the best microneedling derma-pen and which settings do you use?

    Hey everyone! I wanted to just get some opinions here before making an expensive purchase. I currently am on 1mg finasteride every other day and i apply 5% minoxidil once a day. I want to start microneedling but I am reading so many different opinions on which one is best: Dr. Pen A6 vs M8? Derminator...